• Additive effect Genetic analysis of physiological traits in bread wheat under normal and terminal water-deficit stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1031-1044]

  • Allele diversity Allele variation for markers related to physical and chemical quality of rice under flood and drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 667-682]

  • AMMI Stability value Study of grain yield stability of barley ( Hurdem vulgare L.) genotypes by AMMI model [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 319-329]

  • Antioxidant enzymes Field evaluation of short-term heat stress pre- and post-flowering on physiological parameters in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) under warm climate of Ahvaz [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 637-651]

  • Ash contents Effects of salicylic acid on yield and nutrient uptake of borage (Borago officinalis L.) under interrupting irrigation conditions [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 519-531]

  • Association analysis Allele variation for markers related to physical and chemical quality of rice under flood and drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 667-682]

  • Azospirillium Assessment of physiological and quantitative and qualitative yield of two millet species under different irrigation levels and application of growth promoting bacteria [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 441-453]

  • Azospirillum Increasing yield of evening primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) by using chemical and biological fertilizers under drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 131-143]

  • Azotobacter Assessment of physiological and quantitative and qualitative yield of two millet species under different irrigation levels and application of growth promoting bacteria [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 441-453]

  • Azotobacter The effect of interaction of chemical and biological fertilizers in different moisture regimes on the morphophysiological and grain yield of wheat [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 871-887]


  • Barley The response of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes to nitrogen fertilizer application under normal irrigation and drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 73-84]

  • Barley Estimation of genetic diversity and grouping of double haploid barley lines in terms of photosynthetic partitioning in normal and water deficit conditions [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 341-355]

  • Basil Investigating the effect of sodium nitroprusside in reducing cadmium toxicity in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) plant [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 1009-1018]

  • Basil Evaluation of the effect of putrescine and brassinosteroid on induction of drought tolerance and physiological changes in basil plant (Ocimum basilicum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1183-1202]

  • BAX Inhibitor 1 Dissecting the potential role of BAX Inhibitor 1 in salt tolerance using bioinformatics and experimental tools [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 915-924]

  • Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase Effect of salicylic acid on betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene expression in potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Agria) under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 1-8]

  • Biochemical traits Effects of drought stress on yield and yield-related traits, antioxidant enzymes and essential oil content of some Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) ecotypes [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1125-1134]

  • Bio-fertilizer Effect of mycorrhizal fungi on growth and absorption of nutrients of Mexican marigold (Tagetes minuta L.) under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 969-982]

  • Biological yield Interaction effects of different irrigation levels and water salinity on growth, yield and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Birjand region [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 211-223]

  • Biological yield Evaluation of yield and some traits of two safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars under different irrigation regimes [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 763-775]

  • Biological yield The evaluation of seed osmopriming and irrigation levels on growth, yield and yield component of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1219-1229]

  • Biology Effects of salinity and drought stress on germination and seedling Datura innoxia Mill. [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1319-1327]

  • Biomass The effect of planting date and different irrigation levels on yield and irrigation efficiency in grain maize [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 547-557]

  • Biophosphor The Effect of biological and nitrogen chemical fertilizers on yield and yield component of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under water stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 145-154]

  • Biplot Effect of terminal drought stress on some agronomic traits of 20 elite bread wheat genotypes [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 683-699]

  • Borago officinalis Effects of salicylic acid on yield and nutrient uptake of borage (Borago officinalis L.) under interrupting irrigation conditions [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 519-531]

  • Bread wheat Genetic analysis of physiological traits in bread wheat under normal and terminal water-deficit stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1031-1044]


  • Cadmium Investigating the effect of sodium nitroprusside in reducing cadmium toxicity in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) plant [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 1009-1018]

  • Calcareous soil Interactive effects of irrigation water salinity and urea fertilizer on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield and yield components [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 937-951]

  • Calcium The role of nitrogen, calcium and potassium foliar application on reduction of salinity advers effect in cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) under hydroponic condition [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 237-250]

  • Calcium nitrate Effect of calcium application on carbohydrate and calcium accumulation and storage improvement of potato cultivars under heat stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 625-635]

  • Canola The effect of irrigation period and N-Fertilizer on yield of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 793-803]

  • Canopy temperature The effect of late season drought stress on some morphophysiological characteristics of Iranian safflower varieties in Karaj region [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1093-1104]

  • Carotenoid Investigation on source size limitation and water stress effects on photosynthetic pigmentsو enzymatic activity yield of barley cultivars ( Hordeum vulgare L.) [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 357-369]

  • Carotenoid Effects of drought stress on yield and yield-related traits, antioxidant enzymes and essential oil content of some Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) ecotypes [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1125-1134]

  • Catalase Investigation of antioxidant genes and some biochemical traits of bread wheat under mercury metal stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 653-665]

  • Catalase Investigation on source size limitation and water stress effects on photosynthetic pigmentsو enzymatic activity yield of barley cultivars ( Hordeum vulgare L.) [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 357-369]

  • Catalase Effect of foliar application of silicone on biochemical traits and yield of two wheat cultivars under late season drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 829-843]

  • Cell membrane stability index Physiological responses of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Sanry) to foliar spray of salicylic acid and biostimulant megafol under deficit irrigation stress [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 845-855]

  • Chamran cultivar Effect of foliar application of silicone on biochemical traits and yield of two wheat cultivars under late season drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 829-843]

  • Chemical fertilizer Effects of irrigation water salinity levels and Zn applicaton rates on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield under field conditions of yazd province [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1345-1353]

  • Chickpea Study of genetic parameters of yield and yield components of different genotypes of chickpea using spatial models [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1045-1062]

  • Chlorophyl Effect of irrigation on physiological traits and seed yield of soybean under inoculation with mycorrhiza fungi and rhizobium bacteria [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 413-423]

  • Chlorophyll content Effect of water deficit stress on photosynthetic indices of three chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 85-96]

  • Chlorophyll content Investigation of biochar and mycorrhizal symbiosis in reduction water stress in corn (Zea mays L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1231-1243]

  • Chlorophyll contents Investigating of kaolin in increasing of drought tolerance of Basil (Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens) [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 171-183]

  • Chlorophyll Fluorescent Efficiency of some physiological traits in evaluation of tolerance of barley advanced lines (Hordeum vulgare L.) to terminal drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 57-71]

  • Chlorophyll Index Effect of two species of mycorrhizal-arbuscular fungi in different levels of moisture stress on some growth characteristics of Maize [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 121-129]

  • Cluster analysis Investigation of soybean advanced lines and parental varieties under non-stress and under water stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 9-26]

  • Cluster analysis Selection of agro-morphological traits related to spring wheat yield in dryland conditions as selection indices [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1019-1030]

  • Cluster analysis Evaluation of reaction of some rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes to salinity stress at seedling stage [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1293-1306]

  • Compatible solutions Evaluation of usage and time of glycine amino acid application on growth and vegetative organs yield and antioxidant activity of Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L .) under different irrigation conditions [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 533-546]

  • Contiguity Map Identification of gene locations affecting germination components in the Iranian recombinant inbred lines of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) under different drought and salinity stresses [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1281-1292]

  • Correlation Analysis of grain yield and its attributes in bread wheat and their associations with coleoptile length under water deficit conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 41-56]

  • Correlation Evaluation of reaction of some rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes to salinity stress at seedling stage [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1293-1306]

  • Correlation Analysis Identification of drought tolerant genotypes of soybean plant using principal component analysis and cluster analysis [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 27-40]

  • Crop Coefficient Evaluation of SALTMED and AquaCrop models in simulating sweet maize yield under deficit irrigation and superabsorbent application [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1105-1114]

  • Cropping Model Evaluation of SALTMED and AquaCrop models in simulating sweet maize yield under deficit irrigation and superabsorbent application [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1105-1114]

  • Current photosynthesis Effect of zinc and boron foliar application on the contribution of photosynthetic materials remobilization in grain yield of bread wheat under terminal heat stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 273-283]


  • Deficit irrigation Physiological responses of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Sanry) to foliar spray of salicylic acid and biostimulant megafol under deficit irrigation stress [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 845-855]

  • Deficit irrigation Response of grain yield and water use efficiency of wheat and faba bean to partial root-zone irrigation in intercropping [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 777-792]

  • Deficit water Evaluation of yield and some traits of two safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars under different irrigation regimes [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 763-775]

  • Defoliation Investigation on source size limitation and water stress effects on photosynthetic pigmentsو enzymatic activity yield of barley cultivars ( Hordeum vulgare L.) [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 357-369]

  • DEVI RT-qPCR analysis of some members of DEVIL gene family in Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parl. under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1245-1258]

  • Diallel cross Estimation of gene effect and combining ability of some maize traits under normal and low irrigation conditions by diallel method [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 331-340]

  • Double Haploid Estimation of genetic diversity and grouping of double haploid barley lines in terms of photosynthetic partitioning in normal and water deficit conditions [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 341-355]

  • Drought Investigation of biochar and mycorrhizal symbiosis in reduction water stress in corn (Zea mays L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1231-1243]

  • Drought stress Investigation of soybean advanced lines and parental varieties under non-stress and under water stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 9-26]

  • Drought stress Effect of water stress on above ground parts, roots and yield of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) in mixed cropping of genotypes [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 97-108]

  • Drought stress Study of seed germination indices in bread wheat genotypes (Tritium aestivum L.) under drought stress simulated with polyethylene glycol [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 197-210]

  • Drought stress Effect of two species of mycorrhizal-arbuscular fungi in different levels of moisture stress on some growth characteristics of Maize [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 121-129]

  • Drought stress Effect of irrigation management under soil water potential on water productivity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 185-195]

  • Drought stress Evaluation of biochemical and agronomic traits of sesame cultivars under application of phosphorus nano-chelate and chitosan fertilizers under irrigation cut-off [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 471-489]

  • Drought stress Forage yield and quality of intercropped wheat and Persian clover as affected by partial root zone irrigation [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 387-399]

  • Drought stress Evaluation of drought stress effect on seed oil yield and fatty acid composition in canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 735-747]

  • Drought stress Evaluation of drought tolerance in sugar beet test cross hybrids under water deficit stress [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 715-734]

  • Drought stress Effects of applied water and superabsorbent polymer on the growth index and yield in saffron [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 903-914]

  • Drought stress Evaluation of relationships between grain yield and agro-physiological traits of bread wheat genotypes under rainfed conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 701-714]

  • Drought stress Selection of agro-morphological traits related to spring wheat yield in dryland conditions as selection indices [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1019-1030]

  • Drought stress Investigation of the drought stress on some photosynthetic and morphological indicators of summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1115-1124]

  • Drought tolerance Efficiency of some physiological traits in evaluation of tolerance of barley advanced lines (Hordeum vulgare L.) to terminal drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 57-71]

  • Drought tolerance indices Effect of terminal drought stress on some agronomic traits of 20 elite bread wheat genotypes [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 683-699]

  • Dry weight of aerial parts The effect of methyl jasmonate spraying on some morphophysiological characteristics and lead absorption of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under lead stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1329-1344]


  • Electrolyte leakage Effect of irrigation on physiological traits and seed yield of soybean under inoculation with mycorrhiza fungi and rhizobium bacteria [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 413-423]

  • Electrolyte leakage Effect of mycorrhiza fungi and plant growthpromoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on antioxidant capacity and some morphophysiological traits of medicinal marigold (Calendula officinalis Linn.) under drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 425-440]

  • Electrolyte leakage Physiological responses of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Sanry) to foliar spray of salicylic acid and biostimulant megafol under deficit irrigation stress [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 845-855]

  • Environmental stresses Effect of micronutrients foliar application on some physiological and agronomic traits of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under complete irrigation and terminal drought stress condition [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 401-412]

  • Essential oil Evaluation of the effect of putrescine and brassinosteroid on induction of drought tolerance and physiological changes in basil plant (Ocimum basilicum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1183-1202]

  • Evapotranspiration The effect of planting date and different irrigation levels on yield and irrigation efficiency in grain maize [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 547-557]

  • Excise leaf water retention Effect of application biochar and priming and foliar application with water and salicylic acid on physiological traits of dry land safflower [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 155-169]


  • Factor analysis Field evaluation of short-term heat stress pre- and post-flowering on physiological parameters in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) under warm climate of Ahvaz [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 637-651]

  • Fatty acid Study of yield and some physiological characteristics of canola cultivars under the drought stress and delayed planting [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 371-386]

  • Fatty acid Assessment of physiological and quantitative and qualitative yield of two millet species under different irrigation levels and application of growth promoting bacteria [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 441-453]

  • Fatty acids Evaluation of biochemical and agronomic traits of sesame cultivars under application of phosphorus nano-chelate and chitosan fertilizers under irrigation cut-off [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 471-489]

  • Fatty acids profile Evaluation of drought stress effect on seed oil yield and fatty acid composition in canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 735-747]

  • Fe-Chelate Effect of saline irrigation water and application methods of iron and zinc on yield and quality of corn silage in a calcareous soil [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 953-967]

  • Fertilizer requirement Interactive effects of irrigation water salinity and urea fertilizer on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield and yield components [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 937-951]

  • Flag leaf Investigation on source size limitation and water stress effects on photosynthetic pigmentsو enzymatic activity yield of barley cultivars ( Hordeum vulgare L.) [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 357-369]

  • Flavonoids Evaluation of the effect of putrescine and brassinosteroid on induction of drought tolerance and physiological changes in basil plant (Ocimum basilicum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1183-1202]

  • Foliar application Evaluation of biochemical and agronomic traits of sesame cultivars under application of phosphorus nano-chelate and chitosan fertilizers under irrigation cut-off [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 471-489]

  • Foliar application Evaluation of usage and time of glycine amino acid application on growth and vegetative organs yield and antioxidant activity of Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L .) under different irrigation conditions [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 533-546]

  • Free radicals. Osmotic modification Evaluation of usage and time of glycine amino acid application on growth and vegetative organs yield and antioxidant activity of Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L .) under different irrigation conditions [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 533-546]

  • Fresh weight of aerial parts The effect of methyl jasmonate spraying on some morphophysiological characteristics and lead absorption of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under lead stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1329-1344]


  • GCA and SCA Estimation of gene effect and combining ability of some maize traits under normal and low irrigation conditions by diallel method [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 331-340]

  • GDD Effect of planting date and salicylic acid on some quantitative and qualitative traits of quinoa as affected by drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1149-1167]

  • Gene effect Estimation of gene effect and combining ability of some maize traits under normal and low irrigation conditions by diallel method [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 331-340]

  • Gene Expression Expression analysis of some genes involved in signaling networks of Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parl. under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1259-1270]

  • Gene structure Expression pattern analysis of heat shock transcription factors (HSFs) gene family in Aeluropus littoralis under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 571-581]

  • Genetic diversity Effect of water stress on above ground parts, roots and yield of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) in mixed cropping of genotypes [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 97-108]

  • Genetic diversity Estimation of genetic diversity and grouping of double haploid barley lines in terms of photosynthetic partitioning in normal and water deficit conditions [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 341-355]

  • Genetic linkage maps Detection of quantitative genes controlling of metabolic in rice seedling under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1271-1280]

  • Genotype Study of seed germination indices in bread wheat genotypes (Tritium aestivum L.) under drought stress simulated with polyethylene glycol [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 197-210]

  • Genotype×environment interaction Study of grain yield stability of barley ( Hurdem vulgare L.) genotypes by AMMI model [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 319-329]

  • Germination Effects of salinity and drought stress on germination and seedling Datura innoxia Mill. [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1319-1327]

  • Germination cardinal temperature Quantification of temperature effects on germination and induction of secondary dormancy in barley cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 995-1007]

  • Germination percentage Study of seed germination indices in bread wheat genotypes (Tritium aestivum L.) under drought stress simulated with polyethylene glycol [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 197-210]

  • Germination percentage Comparison of salinity tolerance of basil, Denaee thyme, hyssop and Moldavian balm medicinal plants seeds based on germination characteristics [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 251-261]

  • Germination percentage Application of hydro-time model for quantification of Brassica napus L. germination response to water potential and temperature [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 559-570]

  • Germination rate Application of hydro-time model for quantification of Brassica napus L. germination response to water potential and temperature [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 559-570]

  • Germination rate Quantification of temperature effects on germination and induction of secondary dormancy in barley cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 995-1007]

  • Glucosinolate Study of yield and some physiological characteristics of canola cultivars under the drought stress and delayed planting [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 371-386]

  • Glycin betaine Effect of salicylic acid on betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene expression in potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Agria) under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 1-8]

  • Grain Effect of water stress on above ground parts, roots and yield of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) in mixed cropping of genotypes [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 97-108]

  • Grain filling duration Effect of methanol and salicylic acid foliar application on some of physiological traits of winter wheat under limited irrigation [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 815-827]

  • Grain filling rate Effect of methanol and salicylic acid foliar application on some of physiological traits of winter wheat under limited irrigation [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 815-827]

  • Grain protein The effect of density and foliar application of humic acid on quantitative yield and nutrient uptake of maize (Zea mays L.) under drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1135-1148]

  • Grain.silique-1 Assessment of yield and yield components of doubled-haploid lines of rapeseed under drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1077-1092]

  • Grain weight Field evaluation of short term heat stress pre and post flowering on the water soluble carbohydrates in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) under warm climate of Ahvaz [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 263-271]

  • Grain weight Effect of cake filter levels on morphological traits and corn yield (S.C.704) under different irrigation regimes [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 805-814]

  • Grain yield The response of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes to nitrogen fertilizer application under normal irrigation and drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 73-84]

  • Grain yield Interaction effects of different irrigation levels and water salinity on growth, yield and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Birjand region [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 211-223]

  • Grain yield Evaluation of biochemical and agronomic traits of sesame cultivars under application of phosphorus nano-chelate and chitosan fertilizers under irrigation cut-off [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 471-489]

  • Grain yield Investigating the effect of combination vermicompost and superabsorbent on quantitative and qualitative yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) under drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 889-901]

  • Grain yield The effect of irrigation period and N-Fertilizer on yield of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 793-803]

  • Grain yield Effect of methanol and salicylic acid foliar application on some of physiological traits of winter wheat under limited irrigation [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 815-827]

  • Grain yield Effect of foliar application of ZnO nanoparticles on yield components, yield and Zn efficiency indices in rice under water stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1203-1218]

  • Grain yield The evaluation of seed osmopriming and irrigation levels on growth, yield and yield component of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1219-1229]

  • Grain yield Evaluation of salicylic acid application on the physiological responses of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) under different irrigation conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1904-1626]

  • Grain yield Genetic analysis of physiological traits in bread wheat under normal and terminal water-deficit stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1031-1044]

  • Grain yield The effect of density and foliar application of humic acid on quantitative yield and nutrient uptake of maize (Zea mays L.) under drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1135-1148]

  • Growth regulator The effect of methyl jasmonate spraying on some morphophysiological characteristics and lead absorption of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under lead stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1329-1344]


  • Halophyte Expression analysis of some genes involved in signaling networks of Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parl. under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1259-1270]

  • Halophytes RT-qPCR analysis of some members of DEVIL gene family in Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parl. under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1245-1258]

  • Harvest index Interaction effects of different irrigation levels and water salinity on growth, yield and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Birjand region [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 211-223]

  • Harvest index Investigation of biochar and mycorrhizal symbiosis in reduction water stress in corn (Zea mays L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1231-1243]

  • Hazardous index The effect of methyl jasmonate spraying on some morphophysiological characteristics and lead absorption of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under lead stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1329-1344]

  • Heat Field evaluation of short term heat stress pre and post flowering on the water soluble carbohydrates in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) under warm climate of Ahvaz [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 263-271]

  • Heat Field evaluation of short-term heat stress pre- and post-flowering on physiological parameters in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) under warm climate of Ahvaz [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 637-651]

  • Heat shock proteins Expression pattern analysis of heat shock transcription factors (HSFs) gene family in Aeluropus littoralis under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 571-581]

  • Heat Stress Effect of calcium application on carbohydrate and calcium accumulation and storage improvement of potato cultivars under heat stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 625-635]

  • Heavy metals stress The effect of salicylic acid on some morphological characteristics, photosynthetic pigments and antioxidant system activity of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under arsenic toxicity [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 297-312]

  • Heavy metal stress Investigating the effect of sodium nitroprusside in reducing cadmium toxicity in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) plant [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 1009-1018]

  • Height plant The response of yield and fatty acids composition in late planting of safflower genotypes to ascorbic acid and jasmonic acid application under deficit irrigation regimes [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 455-469]

  • Heritability The effect of salt stress on morphological traits and electrophoresis pattern of proteins in recombinant inbred lines population of oilseed sunflower derived from PAC2 × RHA266 cross [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 583-600]

  • Heritability Estimation of genetic diversity and grouping of double haploid barley lines in terms of photosynthetic partitioning in normal and water deficit conditions [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 341-355]

  • Heritability Genetic analysis of physiological traits in bread wheat under normal and terminal water-deficit stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1031-1044]

  • Hormo priming Effect of application biochar and priming and foliar application with water and salicylic acid on physiological traits of dry land safflower [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 155-169]

  • Humic acid The effect of density and foliar application of humic acid on quantitative yield and nutrient uptake of maize (Zea mays L.) under drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1135-1148]

  • Hybrid Evaluation of drought tolerance in sugar beet test cross hybrids under water deficit stress [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 715-734]

  • Hydroponic culture Investigation of antioxidant genes and some biochemical traits of bread wheat under mercury metal stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 653-665]


  • Ionic leakage Effects of applied water and superabsorbent polymer on the growth index and yield in saffron [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 903-914]

  • Ion leakage Effect of application biochar and priming and foliar application with water and salicylic acid on physiological traits of dry land safflower [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 155-169]

  • Ion leakage The role of nitrogen, calcium and potassium foliar application on reduction of salinity advers effect in cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) under hydroponic condition [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 237-250]

  • Iron Effect of micronutrients foliar application on some physiological and agronomic traits of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under complete irrigation and terminal drought stress condition [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 401-412]

  • Iron Study the effect of irrigation termination at different growth stages of corn on content and amount of grain’s elements [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 749-762]

  • Iron percent Study of quality and yield of rapeseed, Hayola 401 cultivar, with applying iron, zinc and manganese compound fertilizer under irrigation cut stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 109-119]

  • Irrigation Identification of drought tolerant genotypes of soybean plant using principal component analysis and cluster analysis [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 27-40]

  • Irrigation conditions Study of grain yield stability of barley ( Hurdem vulgare L.) genotypes by AMMI model [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 319-329]

  • Irrigation water Elucidation of wheat response to phosphorous application rates and salinity stress under field conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 313-318]

  • Irrigation withholding Study of yield and some physiological characteristics of canola cultivars under the drought stress and delayed planting [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 371-386]


  • Kerman Effect of irrigation management under soil water potential on water productivity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 185-195]


  • Land equivalent ratio Response of grain yield and water use efficiency of wheat and faba bean to partial root-zone irrigation in intercropping [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 777-792]

  • Lattice Square Design Study of genetic parameters of yield and yield components of different genotypes of chickpea using spatial models [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1045-1062]

  • Lead toxicity The effect of methyl jasmonate spraying on some morphophysiological characteristics and lead absorption of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under lead stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1329-1344]

  • Leaf area index Study of quality and yield of rapeseed, Hayola 401 cultivar, with applying iron, zinc and manganese compound fertilizer under irrigation cut stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 109-119]

  • Leaf area index Effect of irrigation management under soil water potential on water productivity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 185-195]

  • Leaf area index The effect of late season drought stress on some morphophysiological characteristics of Iranian safflower varieties in Karaj region [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1093-1104]

  • Leaf Proline Evaluation of reaction of some rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes to salinity stress at seedling stage [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1293-1306]

  • Leaf relative water content The role of nitrogen, calcium and potassium foliar application on reduction of salinity advers effect in cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) under hydroponic condition [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 237-250]

  • Leaf Temperature Effect of irrigation on physiological traits and seed yield of soybean under inoculation with mycorrhiza fungi and rhizobium bacteria [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 413-423]

  • Linoleic acid The response of yield and fatty acids composition in late planting of safflower genotypes to ascorbic acid and jasmonic acid application under deficit irrigation regimes [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 455-469]

  • Linoleic acid Evaluation of drought stress effect on seed oil yield and fatty acid composition in canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 735-747]


  • Maize Pollination stage The effect of planting date and different irrigation levels on yield and irrigation efficiency in grain maize [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 547-557]

  • Malondialdehyde Investigating the effect of sodium nitroprusside in reducing cadmium toxicity in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) plant [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 1009-1018]

  • Malondialdehyde" Effect of nano-TiO2 foliar application on ear weight and some of biochemical characteristics of sweet corn (Zea mays var saccharata) under water deficit stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 491-502]

  • Mannitol Identification of gene locations affecting germination components in the Iranian recombinant inbred lines of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) under different drought and salinity stresses [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1281-1292]

  • Maximum efficiency of photosystem II Effect of mycorrhiza fungi and plant growthpromoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on antioxidant capacity and some morphophysiological traits of medicinal marigold (Calendula officinalis Linn.) under drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 425-440]

  • Medicinal plant The effect of salicylic acid on some morphological characteristics, photosynthetic pigments and antioxidant system activity of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under arsenic toxicity [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 297-312]

  • Medicinal plants Effect of mycorrhizal fungi on growth and absorption of nutrients of Mexican marigold (Tagetes minuta L.) under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 969-982]

  • Megafol Physiological responses of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Sanry) to foliar spray of salicylic acid and biostimulant megafol under deficit irrigation stress [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 845-855]

  • Mercury Chloride Investigation of antioxidant genes and some biochemical traits of bread wheat under mercury metal stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 653-665]

  • Metallothionein Investigation of antioxidant genes and some biochemical traits of bread wheat under mercury metal stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 653-665]

  • Micro elements Effect of zinc and boron foliar application on the contribution of photosynthetic materials remobilization in grain yield of bread wheat under terminal heat stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 273-283]

  • Mixed cultivars Effect of water stress on above ground parts, roots and yield of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) in mixed cropping of genotypes [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 97-108]

  • Moisture stress Assessment of yield and yield components of doubled-haploid lines of rapeseed under drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1077-1092]

  • Morphological characteristics Investigating of kaolin in increasing of drought tolerance of Basil (Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens) [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 171-183]

  • Morphological traits Effect of different levels of salinity on morpho-physiological cCharacteristics of wood Sage (Salvia nemorosa L.) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 983-993]

  • Morphological traits Effect of mycorrhizal fungi on growth and absorption of nutrients of Mexican marigold (Tagetes minuta L.) under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 969-982]

  • Morphology Genetic variation and effects of salinity stress on a number of physiological characteristics in bread wheat mutant lines [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 613-623]

  • Mucilage The response of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Isabgol (Plantago ovata Forssk.) to foliar application of salicylic acid and spermine under drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 503-517]

  • Mutant wheat Genetic variation and effects of salinity stress on a number of physiological characteristics in bread wheat mutant lines [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 613-623]

  • Mycorhizal symbiosis Effect of two species of mycorrhizal-arbuscular fungi in different levels of moisture stress on some growth characteristics of Maize [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 121-129]

  • Mycorhyza Effect of irrigation withholding in reproductive stages and metanol and bio fertilizer application on yield and some biochemical traits of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 857-869]

  • Mycorrhiza Increasing yield of evening primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) by using chemical and biological fertilizers under drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 131-143]


  • NaCl Comparison of salinity tolerance of basil, Denaee thyme, hyssop and Moldavian balm medicinal plants seeds based on germination characteristics [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 251-261]

  • Nano fertilizer Effect of foliar application of ZnO nanoparticles on yield components, yield and Zn efficiency indices in rice under water stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1203-1218]

  • Nearest Neighborhood Study of genetic parameters of yield and yield components of different genotypes of chickpea using spatial models [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1045-1062]

  • Net Photosynthesis Effect of water deficit stress on photosynthetic indices of three chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 85-96]

  • Nitrogen fixation The feasibility of using the plant growth promoting bacteria isolated from the nodules to increase the alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plant resistance to salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 225-235]

  • Nitroxin The Effect of biological and nitrogen chemical fertilizers on yield and yield component of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under water stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 145-154]

  • Non-rhizobial bacteria The feasibility of using the plant growth promoting bacteria isolated from the nodules to increase the alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plant resistance to salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 225-235]

  • Normal and stress condition The response of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes to nitrogen fertilizer application under normal irrigation and drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 73-84]

  • Normal function Application of hydro-time model for quantification of Brassica napus L. germination response to water potential and temperature [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 559-570]

  • Number of flowers Effect of mycorrhiza fungi and plant growthpromoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on antioxidant capacity and some morphophysiological traits of medicinal marigold (Calendula officinalis Linn.) under drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 425-440]

  • Nutrient elements Effect of mycorrhizal fungi on growth and absorption of nutrients of Mexican marigold (Tagetes minuta L.) under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 969-982]


  • Oil Effect of planting date and salicylic acid on some quantitative and qualitative traits of quinoa as affected by drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1149-1167]

  • Oil percentage The response of yield and fatty acids composition in late planting of safflower genotypes to ascorbic acid and jasmonic acid application under deficit irrigation regimes [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 455-469]

  • Oilseed Investigation of soybean advanced lines and parental varieties under non-stress and under water stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 9-26]

  • Oil seed The effect of irrigation period and N-Fertilizer on yield of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 793-803]

  • Oil seeds Evaluation of yield and some traits of two safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars under different irrigation regimes [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 763-775]

  • Oilseed sunflower The effect of salt stress on morphological traits and electrophoresis pattern of proteins in recombinant inbred lines population of oilseed sunflower derived from PAC2 × RHA266 cross [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 583-600]

  • Oleic acid The response of yield and fatty acids composition in late planting of safflower genotypes to ascorbic acid and jasmonic acid application under deficit irrigation regimes [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 455-469]

  • Oleic acid Evaluation of drought stress effect on seed oil yield and fatty acid composition in canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 735-747]

  • Optimal irrigation The effect of density and foliar application of humic acid on quantitative yield and nutrient uptake of maize (Zea mays L.) under drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1135-1148]

  • Organic fertilizer Effect of application biochar and priming and foliar application with water and salicylic acid on physiological traits of dry land safflower [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 155-169]

  • Osmotic stress Evaluation of relationship between leaf temperature and salinity tolerance and pattern of shoot sodium accumulation in wheat cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 925-936]


  • Path analysis Evaluation of relationships between grain yield and agro-physiological traits of bread wheat genotypes under rainfed conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 701-714]

  • Path analysis Selection of agro-morphological traits related to spring wheat yield in dryland conditions as selection indices [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1019-1030]

  • Peduncle Field evaluation of short term heat stress pre and post flowering on the water soluble carbohydrates in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) under warm climate of Ahvaz [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 263-271]

  • PEG Identification of gene locations affecting germination components in the Iranian recombinant inbred lines of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) under different drought and salinity stresses [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1281-1292]

  • Percentage of antioxidant activity Effect of mycorrhiza fungi and plant growthpromoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on antioxidant capacity and some morphophysiological traits of medicinal marigold (Calendula officinalis Linn.) under drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 425-440]

  • Percent oil Evaluation of yield and some traits of two safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars under different irrigation regimes [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 763-775]

  • Peroxidase Investigation on source size limitation and water stress effects on photosynthetic pigmentsو enzymatic activity yield of barley cultivars ( Hordeum vulgare L.) [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 357-369]

  • Peroxidase Effect of foliar application of silicone on biochemical traits and yield of two wheat cultivars under late season drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 829-843]

  • Phenol Detection of quantitative genes controlling of metabolic in rice seedling under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1271-1280]

  • Phosphabacter The effect of interaction of chemical and biological fertilizers in different moisture regimes on the morphophysiological and grain yield of wheat [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 871-887]

  • Phosphorus Increasing yield of evening primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) by using chemical and biological fertilizers under drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 131-143]

  • Phosphorus Study the effect of irrigation termination at different growth stages of corn on content and amount of grain’s elements [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 749-762]

  • Photosynthesis Field evaluation of short-term heat stress pre- and post-flowering on physiological parameters in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) under warm climate of Ahvaz [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 637-651]

  • Photosynthesis Evaluation of the effect of putrescine and brassinosteroid on induction of drought tolerance and physiological changes in basil plant (Ocimum basilicum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1183-1202]

  • Photosynthetic pigments Effect of foliar application of silicone on biochemical traits and yield of two wheat cultivars under late season drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 829-843]

  • Photosynthetic rate Investigation of the drought stress on some photosynthetic and morphological indicators of summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1115-1124]

  • Photosystem II Effect of water deficit stress on photosynthetic indices of three chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 85-96]

  • Physiology Genetic variation and effects of salinity stress on a number of physiological characteristics in bread wheat mutant lines [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 613-623]

  • Phytohormone RT-qPCR analysis of some members of DEVIL gene family in Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parl. under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1245-1258]

  • Plant density The effect of density and foliar application of humic acid on quantitative yield and nutrient uptake of maize (Zea mays L.) under drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1135-1148]

  • Plant height Effect of cake filter levels on morphological traits and corn yield (S.C.704) under different irrigation regimes [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 805-814]

  • Planting date Effect of zinc and boron foliar application on the contribution of photosynthetic materials remobilization in grain yield of bread wheat under terminal heat stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 273-283]

  • Planting date Effect of iron, zinc and manganese foliar application on the physiological, agronomic traits and protein of wheat under late season heat stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 285-295]

  • Plant pigments Effect of application biochar and priming and foliar application with water and salicylic acid on physiological traits of dry land safflower [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 155-169]

  • Poly Ethylene Glycol Effects of salinity and drought stress on germination and seedling Datura innoxia Mill. [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1319-1327]

  • Potassium Study the effect of irrigation termination at different growth stages of corn on content and amount of grain’s elements [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 749-762]

  • Potassium and Sodium Effects of salicylic acid on yield and nutrient uptake of borage (Borago officinalis L.) under interrupting irrigation conditions [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 519-531]

  • Principal component analysis Effect of terminal drought stress on some agronomic traits of 20 elite bread wheat genotypes [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 683-699]

  • Principle component analysis Investigation of soybean advanced lines and parental varieties under non-stress and under water stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 9-26]

  • Proline Investigating of kaolin in increasing of drought tolerance of Basil (Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens) [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 171-183]

  • Proline Effect of irrigation on physiological traits and seed yield of soybean under inoculation with mycorrhiza fungi and rhizobium bacteria [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 413-423]

  • Proline Effect of different levels of salinity on morpho-physiological cCharacteristics of wood Sage (Salvia nemorosa L.) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 983-993]

  • Proline Physiological responses of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Sanry) to foliar spray of salicylic acid and biostimulant megafol under deficit irrigation stress [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 845-855]

  • Proline Detection of quantitative genes controlling of metabolic in rice seedling under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1271-1280]

  • Proline Evaluation of salicylic acid application on the physiological responses of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) under different irrigation conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1904-1626]

  • Proline and Sowing dates Study of yield and some physiological characteristics of canola cultivars under the drought stress and delayed planting [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 371-386]

  • Protein Effect of planting date and salicylic acid on some quantitative and qualitative traits of quinoa as affected by drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1149-1167]

  • Protein electrophoresis The effect of salt stress on morphological traits and electrophoresis pattern of proteins in recombinant inbred lines population of oilseed sunflower derived from PAC2 × RHA266 cross [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 583-600]

  • Protein motifs analysis Expression pattern analysis of heat shock transcription factors (HSFs) gene family in Aeluropus littoralis under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 571-581]

  • Protein percent Study of quality and yield of rapeseed, Hayola 401 cultivar, with applying iron, zinc and manganese compound fertilizer under irrigation cut stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 109-119]

  • Protein yield Study of quality and yield of rapeseed, Hayola 401 cultivar, with applying iron, zinc and manganese compound fertilizer under irrigation cut stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 109-119]

  • Protein yield Investigating the effect of combination vermicompost and superabsorbent on quantitative and qualitative yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) under drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 889-901]

  • Psesomonas Effect of irrigation withholding in reproductive stages and metanol and bio fertilizer application on yield and some biochemical traits of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 857-869]

  • Pulses The Effect of biological and nitrogen chemical fertilizers on yield and yield component of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under water stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 145-154]


  • QTL Detection of quantitative genes controlling of chlorophyll content in rice seedling under normal and salinity stress and comparison of different QTL mapping methods [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 601-611]

  • QTL Detection of quantitative genes controlling of metabolic in rice seedling under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1271-1280]

  • QTL Identification of gene locations affecting germination components in the Iranian recombinant inbred lines of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) under different drought and salinity stresses [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1281-1292]

  • Qualitative traits Assessment of physiological and quantitative and qualitative yield of two millet species under different irrigation levels and application of growth promoting bacteria [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 441-453]


  • Rain-fed conditions Study of grain yield stability of barley ( Hurdem vulgare L.) genotypes by AMMI model [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 319-329]

  • Ranking method Effect of terminal drought stress on some agronomic traits of 20 elite bread wheat genotypes [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 683-699]

  • RAPD marker Genetic variation and effects of salinity stress on a number of physiological characteristics in bread wheat mutant lines [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 613-623]

  • Rate of Ground Cover Efficiency of some physiological traits in evaluation of tolerance of barley advanced lines (Hordeum vulgare L.) to terminal drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 57-71]

  • Reducing sugars Effect of calcium application on carbohydrate and calcium accumulation and storage improvement of potato cultivars under heat stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 625-635]

  • Regression Selection of agro-morphological traits related to spring wheat yield in dryland conditions as selection indices [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1019-1030]

  • Relative humidity content Effect of mycorrhiza fungi and plant growthpromoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on antioxidant capacity and some morphophysiological traits of medicinal marigold (Calendula officinalis Linn.) under drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 425-440]

  • Relative Water Content Efficiency of some physiological traits in evaluation of tolerance of barley advanced lines (Hordeum vulgare L.) to terminal drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 57-71]

  • Relative Water Content Effect of methanol and salicylic acid foliar application on some of physiological traits of winter wheat under limited irrigation [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 815-827]

  • Relative Water Content The effect of late season drought stress on some morphophysiological characteristics of Iranian safflower varieties in Karaj region [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1093-1104]

  • Rhizobial bacteria The feasibility of using the plant growth promoting bacteria isolated from the nodules to increase the alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plant resistance to salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 225-235]

  • Rhizobium legominozarum Effect of irrigation withholding in reproductive stages and metanol and bio fertilizer application on yield and some biochemical traits of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 857-869]

  • Rice Detection of quantitative genes controlling of chlorophyll content in rice seedling under normal and salinity stress and comparison of different QTL mapping methods [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 601-611]

  • Rice Allele variation for markers related to physical and chemical quality of rice under flood and drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 667-682]

  • Rice Effect of foliar application of ZnO nanoparticles on yield components, yield and Zn efficiency indices in rice under water stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1203-1218]

  • Root Effect of planting date and salicylic acid on some quantitative and qualitative traits of quinoa as affected by drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1149-1167]

  • Root colonization Effect of two species of mycorrhizal-arbuscular fungi in different levels of moisture stress on some growth characteristics of Maize [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 121-129]

  • Root length Effect of salinity on root characteristics and ionic distribution of six bread wheat cultivars (Triticume aestivum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1307-1318]

  • Root/Shoot Effect of water stress on above ground parts, roots and yield of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) in mixed cropping of genotypes [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 97-108]


  • Safflower winter varieties The effect of late season drought stress on some morphophysiological characteristics of Iranian safflower varieties in Karaj region [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1093-1104]

  • Saffron Effects of applied water and superabsorbent polymer on the growth index and yield in saffron [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 903-914]

  • Salicylic acid The effect of salicylic acid on some morphological characteristics, photosynthetic pigments and antioxidant system activity of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under arsenic toxicity [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 297-312]

  • Salinity Tolerance Evaluation of relationship between leaf temperature and salinity tolerance and pattern of shoot sodium accumulation in wheat cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 925-936]

  • Salt affected soil Effects of irrigation water salinity levels and Zn applicaton rates on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield under field conditions of yazd province [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1345-1353]

  • Salt stress Dissecting the potential role of BAX Inhibitor 1 in salt tolerance using bioinformatics and experimental tools [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 915-924]

  • Salt-tolerance Expression analysis of some genes involved in signaling networks of Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parl. under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1259-1270]

  • Seed germination Study of seed germination indices in bread wheat genotypes (Tritium aestivum L.) under drought stress simulated with polyethylene glycol [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 197-210]

  • Seedling Effects of salinity and drought stress on germination and seedling Datura innoxia Mill. [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1319-1327]

  • Seedling stage Investigation of antioxidant genes and some biochemical traits of bread wheat under mercury metal stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 653-665]

  • Seed treatment Effect of saline irrigation water and application methods of iron and zinc on yield and quality of corn silage in a calcareous soil [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 953-967]

  • Seed vigor index Comparison of salinity tolerance of basil, Denaee thyme, hyssop and Moldavian balm medicinal plants seeds based on germination characteristics [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 251-261]

  • Seed yield Effect of cake filter levels on morphological traits and corn yield (S.C.704) under different irrigation regimes [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 805-814]

  • Semi quantitative RT-PCR Effect of salicylic acid on betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene expression in potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Agria) under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 1-8]

  • Silique.plant-1 Assessment of yield and yield components of doubled-haploid lines of rapeseed under drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1077-1092]

  • Small polypeptides RT-qPCR analysis of some members of DEVIL gene family in Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parl. under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1245-1258]

  • Sodium Nitroposide Investigating the effect of sodium nitroprusside in reducing cadmium toxicity in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) plant [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 1009-1018]

  • Soil application Effect of calcium application on carbohydrate and calcium accumulation and storage improvement of potato cultivars under heat stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 625-635]

  • Soil Potential Effect of irrigation management under soil water potential on water productivity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 185-195]

  • Soluble carbohydrates Field evaluation of short term heat stress pre and post flowering on the water soluble carbohydrates in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) under warm climate of Ahvaz [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 263-271]

  • Soluble sugars Investigating of kaolin in increasing of drought tolerance of Basil (Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens) [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 171-183]

  • Soluble sugars Evaluation of salicylic acid application on the physiological responses of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) under different irrigation conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1904-1626]

  • SPAD Evaluation of reaction of some rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes to salinity stress at seedling stage [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1293-1306]

  • Spatial Models Study of genetic parameters of yield and yield components of different genotypes of chickpea using spatial models [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1045-1062]

  • Spike The evaluation of seed osmopriming and irrigation levels on growth, yield and yield component of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1219-1229]

  • Spraying The effect of salicylic acid on some morphological characteristics, photosynthetic pigments and antioxidant system activity of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under arsenic toxicity [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 297-312]

  • Spraying Effect of calcium application on carbohydrate and calcium accumulation and storage improvement of potato cultivars under heat stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 625-635]

  • Spraying Evaluation of the effect of putrescine and brassinosteroid on induction of drought tolerance and physiological changes in basil plant (Ocimum basilicum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1183-1202]

  • SSR markers Allele variation for markers related to physical and chemical quality of rice under flood and drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 667-682]

  • Starch Detection of quantitative genes controlling of metabolic in rice seedling under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1271-1280]

  • Step- wise regression Evaluation of relationships between grain yield and agro-physiological traits of bread wheat genotypes under rainfed conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 701-714]

  • Stepwise regression The effect of salt stress on morphological traits and electrophoresis pattern of proteins in recombinant inbred lines population of oilseed sunflower derived from PAC2 × RHA266 cross [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 583-600]

  • Stomatal Conductance Efficiency of some physiological traits in evaluation of tolerance of barley advanced lines (Hordeum vulgare L.) to terminal drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 57-71]

  • Stomatal Conductance Evaluation of relationship between leaf temperature and salinity tolerance and pattern of shoot sodium accumulation in wheat cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 925-936]

  • Stomatal Conductance Investigation of the drought stress on some photosynthetic and morphological indicators of summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1115-1124]

  • Stress tolerance index Evaluation of drought tolerance in sugar beet test cross hybrids under water deficit stress [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 715-734]

  • Stress tolerance index Evaluation of reaction of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes in terms of yield and yield components under water stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1063-1076]

  • Summer savory Investigation of the drought stress on some photosynthetic and morphological indicators of summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1115-1124]

  • Sunflower Evaluation of reaction of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes in terms of yield and yield components under water stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1063-1076]

  • Surface and Subsurface Drip Irrigation Effect of irrigation management under soil water potential on water productivity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 185-195]


  • Temperature Application of hydro-time model for quantification of Brassica napus L. germination response to water potential and temperature [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 559-570]

  • Temperature sensitivity Quantification of temperature effects on germination and induction of secondary dormancy in barley cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 995-1007]

  • Thermo-dormancy Quantification of temperature effects on germination and induction of secondary dormancy in barley cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 995-1007]

  • Thermo-inhibition Quantification of temperature effects on germination and induction of secondary dormancy in barley cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 995-1007]

  • Thousand grain weight The role of nitrogen, calcium and potassium foliar application on reduction of salinity advers effect in cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) under hydroponic condition [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 237-250]

  • Tolerance index Comparison of salinity tolerance of basil, Denaee thyme, hyssop and Moldavian balm medicinal plants seeds based on germination characteristics [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 251-261]

  • Tolerance indices Effects of drought stress on yield and yield-related traits, antioxidant enzymes and essential oil content of some Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) ecotypes [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1125-1134]

  • Total phenol Effect of different levels of salinity on morpho-physiological cCharacteristics of wood Sage (Salvia nemorosa L.) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 983-993]

  • Transcriptomics analysis Expression pattern analysis of heat shock transcription factors (HSFs) gene family in Aeluropus littoralis under salinity stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 571-581]

  • Transpiration Effect of water deficit stress on photosynthetic indices of three chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 85-96]

  • Transpiration rate Investigation of the drought stress on some photosynthetic and morphological indicators of summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1115-1124]

  • Triple superphosphate Elucidation of wheat response to phosphorous application rates and salinity stress under field conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 313-318]


  • Urea fertilizer The response of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes to nitrogen fertilizer application under normal irrigation and drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 73-84]

  • Urea fertilizer The Effect of biological and nitrogen chemical fertilizers on yield and yield component of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under water stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 145-154]


  • Vegetative growth Effects of applied water and superabsorbent polymer on the growth index and yield in saffron [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 903-914]


  • Water Absorbent Material Evaluation of SALTMED and AquaCrop models in simulating sweet maize yield under deficit irrigation and superabsorbent application [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1105-1114]

  • Water deficit Increasing yield of evening primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) by using chemical and biological fertilizers under drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 131-143]

  • Water deficit The response of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Isabgol (Plantago ovata Forssk.) to foliar application of salicylic acid and spermine under drought stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 503-517]

  • Water deficit Effects of salicylic acid on yield and nutrient uptake of borage (Borago officinalis L.) under interrupting irrigation conditions [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 519-531]

  • Water deficit Study the effect of irrigation termination at different growth stages of corn on content and amount of grain’s elements [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 749-762]

  • Water deficit stress The effect of planting date and different irrigation levels on yield and irrigation efficiency in grain maize [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 547-557]

  • Water-deficit stress Genetic analysis of physiological traits in bread wheat under normal and terminal water-deficit stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1031-1044]

  • Water limitation Effect of irrigation withholding in reproductive stages and metanol and bio fertilizer application on yield and some biochemical traits of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 857-869]

  • Water requirement The Effect of biological and nitrogen chemical fertilizers on yield and yield component of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under water stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 145-154]

  • Water requirement Interaction effects of different irrigation levels and water salinity on growth, yield and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Birjand region [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 211-223]

  • Water requirement Effects of applied water and superabsorbent polymer on the growth index and yield in saffron [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 903-914]

  • Water Stress Effect of water deficit stress on photosynthetic indices of three chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 85-96]

  • Water Stress Analysis of grain yield and its attributes in bread wheat and their associations with coleoptile length under water deficit conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 41-56]

  • Water Stress Assessment of physiological and quantitative and qualitative yield of two millet species under different irrigation levels and application of growth promoting bacteria [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 441-453]

  • Water Stress The effect of irrigation period and N-Fertilizer on yield of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 793-803]

  • Water Stress Evaluation of reaction of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes in terms of yield and yield components under water stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1063-1076]

  • Water Stress Effect of foliar application of ZnO nanoparticles on yield components, yield and Zn efficiency indices in rice under water stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1203-1218]

  • Water Stress Evaluation of SALTMED and AquaCrop models in simulating sweet maize yield under deficit irrigation and superabsorbent application [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1105-1114]

  • Weed Effects of salinity and drought stress on germination and seedling Datura innoxia Mill. [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1319-1327]

  • Wheat Study of seed germination indices in bread wheat genotypes (Tritium aestivum L.) under drought stress simulated with polyethylene glycol [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 197-210]

  • Wheat Effect of iron, zinc and manganese foliar application on the physiological, agronomic traits and protein of wheat under late season heat stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 285-295]

  • Wheat Interaction effects of different irrigation levels and water salinity on growth, yield and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Birjand region [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 211-223]

  • Wheat Investigation of antioxidant genes and some biochemical traits of bread wheat under mercury metal stress [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 653-665]

  • Wheat The effect of interaction of chemical and biological fertilizers in different moisture regimes on the morphophysiological and grain yield of wheat [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 871-887]

  • Wheat Dissecting the potential role of BAX Inhibitor 1 in salt tolerance using bioinformatics and experimental tools [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 915-924]

  • Wheat cultivars Effect of zinc and boron foliar application on the contribution of photosynthetic materials remobilization in grain yield of bread wheat under terminal heat stress [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 273-283]

  • Wheat production Interactive effects of irrigation water salinity and urea fertilizer on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield and yield components [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 937-951]

  • White sugar yield Evaluation of drought tolerance in sugar beet test cross hybrids under water deficit stress [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 715-734]

  • WUE Effect of planting date and salicylic acid on some quantitative and qualitative traits of quinoa as affected by drought stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1149-1167]


  • Yazd Interactive effects of irrigation water salinity and urea fertilizer on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield and yield components [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 937-951]

  • Yield Identification of drought tolerant genotypes of soybean plant using principal component analysis and cluster analysis [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 27-40]

  • Yield Effect of irrigation withholding in reproductive stages and metanol and bio fertilizer application on yield and some biochemical traits of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 857-869]

  • Yield The effect of interaction of chemical and biological fertilizers in different moisture regimes on the morphophysiological and grain yield of wheat [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 871-887]

  • Yield Evaluation of reaction of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes in terms of yield and yield components under water stress conditions [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1063-1076]

  • Yield biomass and Harvest index Evaluation of relationships between grain yield and agro-physiological traits of bread wheat genotypes under rainfed conditions [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 701-714]

  • Yield components Analysis of grain yield and its attributes in bread wheat and their associations with coleoptile length under water deficit conditions [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020-2021, Pages 41-56]

  • Yield components Investigation of biochar and mycorrhizal symbiosis in reduction water stress in corn (Zea mays L.) [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1231-1243]

  • Yield components The effect of late season drought stress on some morphophysiological characteristics of Iranian safflower varieties in Karaj region [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1093-1104]


  • Zinc Effect of micronutrients foliar application on some physiological and agronomic traits of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under complete irrigation and terminal drought stress condition [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2020-2021, Pages 401-412]

  • Zinc Study the effect of irrigation termination at different growth stages of corn on content and amount of grain’s elements [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 749-762]

  • Zinc foliar application Effect of foliar application of ZnO nanoparticles on yield components, yield and Zn efficiency indices in rice under water stress [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2020-2021, Pages 1203-1218]

  • Zn-Sulfate Effect of saline irrigation water and application methods of iron and zinc on yield and quality of corn silage in a calcareous soil [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020-2021, Pages 953-967]