Volume 16 (2023-2024)
Volume 15 (2022-2023)
Volume 14 (2021-2022)
Volume 13 (2020-2021)
Volume 12 (2019-2020)
Volume 11 (2018-2019)
Volume 10 (2017-2018)
Volume 9 (2016-2017)
Volume 8 (2015-2016)
Volume 7 (2014-2015)
Volume 6 (2013-2014)
Volume 5 (2012-2013)
Volume 4 (2011-2012)
Volume 3 (2010-2011)
Volume 2 (2009-2010)
Volume 1 (2009)
Breeding plants for stress conditions
Physiological response of castor (Ricinus communis L.) to the application of biofertilizers and superabsorbents under water deficit stress conditions

Hadi Tayfa Afshari; Bahram Mirshekari; Abollah Hasanzadeh Ghorttapeh; Farhad Farahvas; Mehrdad Yarnia

Volume 17, Issue 2 , July 2024, Pages 209-227


  IntroductionThe castor bean (Ricinus communis L.), is an oilseed of relevant economic and social importance. From its seeds is extracted an oil of excellent properties, having wide use as industrial input and several applications. It is cultivated since the times of the ancient civilizations, the castor ...  Read More

Drought stress
Investigating the effect of different levels of irrigation and vermicomposting on yield and element concentration of quinoa seed (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)

Diba Sheykhi Sanandaji; Gholamreza Heidari; Parviz Fathi; Zahed Sharifi; Habib Khodaverdiloo

Volume 17, Issue 2 , July 2024, Pages 229-242


  IntroductionQuinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) is a member of Amaranthaceae family. This plant is annual and has seeds with high nutritional value. Quinoa seeds contain a high percentage of protein and essential amino acids, which are low in other plants. Using high-efficiency irrigation systems such ...  Read More

Breeding plants for stress conditions
Effect of breeding for plant height on yield and yield component of bread wheat under rain-fed conditions

Marzieh Salari; Ali Kazemipour; Mehrnaz Kashigarzadeh; Soraya Pourtabrizi; MohamadGhader Ghaderi; Roohollah Abdolshahi

Volume 17, Issue 2 , July 2024, Pages 243-253


  IntroductionGreen Revolution which occurred by introducing dwarfing genes into bread wheat varieties had a great impact on the global wheat production. Nevertheless, these genes decrease grain yield under rain-fed conditions. In general, semi-dwarf genes may not have any advantage in heat and drought ...  Read More

Drought stress
Effect of foliar application of different forms of iron fertilizer on yield and forage properties of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) under drought stress conditions

Fermisk Mrovati; Tooraj Mir Mahmoodi; Saman Yazdan Seta

Volume 17, Issue 2 , July 2024, Pages 255-270


  IntroductionHairy vetch a plant that can be used in different ways, such as fodder, silage, grazing, and green manure and its seeds can be used to feed poultry. Like other legume family plants, vetch can improve and strengthen the soil and fix nitrogen. Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient to virtually ...  Read More

Drought stress
Evaluation of physiological characteristics and forage quality of Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.) under the different irrigation levels

Mehrdad Moradi-Ghahderijani; S. Ali Mohammad Modarres-Sanavy; Ali Mokhtassi-Bidgoli; Ali Heidarzadeh

Volume 17, Issue 2 , July 2024, Pages 271-286


  IntroductionOne of the most important problems threatening agriculture is water deficit stress in many regions of the world. Water deficit stress could result in a decrease in yielding or death of a wide range of crops. In Iran, like other arid and semi-arid regions, forage quality and production have ...  Read More

Drought stress
Evaluation of drought stress tolerance indices of three quinoa cultivars in spring and summer planting dates in Birjand and Sarbisheh region

Farzane Golestanifar; Sohrab Mahmoodi; Hamid-Reza Fallahi; Ali Shahidi

Volume 17, Issue 2 , July 2024, Pages 287-301


  IntroductionEnvironmental disorders that significantly disturb the growth and yield of plants are considered as stress conditions and cause disturbances in biological. Drought stress is one of these environmental conditions which has been increased as a result of climate change and has been a negative ...  Read More

Heavy metals
The effect of EDTA on the growth and phytoremediation capacity of nickel in pot marigold (Calendula tripterocarpa Rupr.)

Rayhaneh Amooaghaie; Javad Heidari; Shahram Kiani

Volume 17, Issue 2 , July 2024, Pages 303-318


  IntroductionNickel (Ni) is an essential micronutrient required for optimal plant growth and development, but excessive Ni is toxic and threatens plant growth and productivity as well as human health. The removal of Ni from soil through phytoextraction is an ecofriendly technique for heavy metal remediation. ...  Read More

Salinity stress
Investigating the effect of using salty water on the accumulation of elements in the aerial organs and the quality of fodder in several Salicornia species

Ali Bozorgmehr; Hamid Reza Asgary; Mohammad Farzam; Gholamhassan Ranjbar

Volume 17, Issue 2 , July 2024, Pages 319-335


  IntroductionSalinity of water and soil resources is one of the most basic agricultural problems, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. Identifying and domesticating salinity-resistant plant (halophytes) species with economic value is an important strategy for these regions.Materials and methodsThis ...  Read More

Drought stress
The effect of sowing date and deficit irrigation regimes on yield and yield components of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

Maryam Mirdoraghi; Saeideh Maleki Farahani; Alireza Rezazadeh

Volume 17, Issue 2 , July 2024, Pages 337-353


  IntroductionChickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the most important legumes in the world (Keifer, 2018). After India, Australia, and Pakistan, Iran has taken the fourth rank in terms of chickpea cultivation area, and the decrease in rainfall and especially the plant's exposure to heat and drought ...  Read More

Physiology of crops under stress conditions
The effect of foliar application of different nano fertilizers on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) under water stress conditions

Sadeg Shadkam; Soran Sharafi; Saman Yazdan Seta; Tooraj Mir Mahmoodi; Farshad Habibi

Volume 17, Issue 2 , July 2024, Pages 355-370


  IntroductionMedicinal plants are precious resources in Iran’s broad landscape of natural resources, which can play an essential role in health, employment, and non-petroleum export if recognized, cultivated, developed, and exploited scientifically and correctly. Given the limitation of water resources ...  Read More

Drought stress
The effects of foliar application of humic acid and garlic extract on nutrients uptake (NPK) and growth of wheat under drought stress conditions

Mahsa Ghanizadeh; Reza Khorassani; Amir Fotovat

Volume 17, Issue 2 , July 2024, Pages 371-385


  IntroductionWith the approach of attention to the environment, the use of natural materials can be effective in reducing the harmful effects of chemical fertilizers and artificial growth regulators. Drought stress is one of the main limitations of food production around the world, and due to increasing ...  Read More

Physiology of crops under stress conditions
Effect of seed priming on germination, total dry matter and some physiological traits in two Alhagi species (Alhagi maurorum Esfahan ecotype and A. graecorum Khuzestan ecotype) under saline conditions

Farzaneh Amirikia; Majid Nabipour; Masoumeh Farzaneh

Volume 17, Issue 2 , July 2024, Pages 387-404


  IntroductionThe researchers have been forcing to investigate and find an edible alternative high forage quality plant that has a well-tolerated instinct against adverse environmental conditions. Alhagi, a genus of Fabaceae is one of the most important halophyte plants in the world, as an industrial forage ...  Read More

Physiology of crops under stress conditions
Investigating seed priming on some physiological characteristics and yield of three genotypes (Q12, Q29 & Giza1) of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa willd) under different irrigation regimes

Ahmad Shadmehri; Hamid Abbasdokht

Volume 17, Issue 2 , July 2024, Pages 405-424


  IntroductionOne of the non-biological stresses for crop plants is drought and lack of water, which is the most important factor limiting the growth of crop plants in arid and semi-arid areas, including Iran. Drought impairs normal growth, disturbs water relations, and reduces water use efficiency in ...  Read More