Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher of North Khorasan Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center Desertification and student of Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran

2 Department of Desert Management and Control, University of Pasture and Watershed Management, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Gorgan, Iran

3 Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

4 National Salinity research Center, AREEO, Yazd, Iran


Salinity of water and soil resources is one of the most basic agricultural problems, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. Identifying and domesticating salinity-resistant plant (halophytes) species with economic value is an important strategy for these regions.
Materials and methods
This research aimed to investigate the amount of elements and the quality of fodder in several Salicornia species under the influence of water salinity in a factorial experiment with a completely randomized design in pot culture conditions in Bojnourd (North Khorasan province) in 2018. Irrigation treatment was applied at two levels (brackish water and normal water), and Salicornia species treatment included four species (Salicornia persica, S. sinus persica, S. europaea, and S. bigelovii) and Salicornia var Markazi. The source of salty water was the Kal-Shoor river in Esfrain and the source of normal water was the well located in Research and Education of Agriculture and Natural Resurces Center in Bojnourd. Due to the high salinity of Kal-Shoor river, normal water was used to adjust the salinity to the treatment limit of 45 dSm-1. To produce seedlings, Salicornia seeds were planted in plastic combs for seedling production in April 2018. After 60 days, seedlings (10-15 cm) were transferred to pots. The irrigation circuit varied in different growth stages according to weather conditions, and irrigation was done by the weight method with the 80% moisture index of the pots.
Results and discussion
The results showed that the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium and chlorine increased with the increase in irrigation water salinity in all species. The highest accumulations of sodium (11%) and chlorine (23.5%) were observed in S. sinus persica and the lowest amount of sodium (8.6%) and chlorine (21%) were observed in S. persica. Among the Salicornia species, the lowest amount of elements is related to potassium and phosphorus ions, which is mostly due to the limitation of the absorption of these elements under the influence of sodium ions, and as mentioned in the sources, the process of absorption of these elements increases gradually with the growth stages. Maintaining a more negative potential of the membrane is an important factor for salinity tolerance, considering that in saline soils, chlorine and sodium are the most common solutes, the absorption of sodium and chlorine ions is important for regulating osmotic pressure and cytoplasmic concentration. In this experiment, in both irrigation treatments, the most elements in all species were related to chlorine and sodium ions. Based on the measurement of quality variables of fodder, the percentages of protein, crude fat, and ash in salty water treatment were higher than those in normal water. The highest percentage of crude fat (1.32%) in S. var. Markazi was affected by saltwater treatment, which was significantly different from the other species. The highest percentages of protein in S. bigelovii and S. europaea under the influence of saltwater treatment were 6.06% and 6.31%, respectively, which were significantly different from the other species. The highest amounts of ash belonged to S. europaea (63%) and S. bigelovii (62%) in saltwater treatment, and S. sinus persica contained the least ash (49%) in normal water treatment. Although the increase in protein increases the quality of fodder, the increase in the amount of ash and crude fat causes limitations in animal nutrition and digestibility. Therefore, the increase of water salinity has a negative effect on the quality of fodder.
Brackish water treatment increased the amount of ash in all species to different proportions, which is a limiting factor for the pure consumption of salicornia in animal feed. Therefore, the relative reduction of water salinity and the selection of suitable species are effective in increasing the quality of fodder.On the other hand, the great ability of Salicornia species to absorb and store salts in their aerial parts provides the basis for the exploitation of their vegetative organs for the production of vegetable salt. Moreover, it is economically important along with other applications of Salicornia (production of fodder, oil, medicines, and protection).


Main Subjects

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