Volume 17 (2024-2025)
Volume 16 (2023-2024)
Volume 15 (2022-2023)
Volume 14 (2021-2022)
Volume 13 (2020-2021)
Volume 12 (2019-2020)
Volume 11 (2018-2019)
Volume 10 (2017-2018)
Volume 9 (2016-2017)
Volume 8 (2015-2016)
Volume 6 (2013-2014)
Volume 5 (2012-2013)
Volume 4 (2011-2012)
Volume 3 (2010-2011)
Volume 2 (2009-2010)
Volume 1 (2009)
Variations in physiological indices of bread wheat flag leaf in response to drought stress

Maryam Golabadi; Zahra Abbasi; Ahmad Reza Golparvar

Volume 7, Issue 1 , September 2014, Pages 1-11


  Drought stress as the most important abiotic stress has an important role in reducing crop production in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. The physiological traits related to drought stress are of utmost importance in this regard. In order to evaluate the effect of drought stress on physiological ...  Read More

Studying the association between physiological and agronomical characteristics of different wheat genotypes in dryland condition using canonical correlation analysis

S. Mohammad Alavi Siney; Jalal Saba

Volume 7, Issue 1 , September 2014, Pages 13-23


  This study was conducted to investigate the associations between physiological and agronomicaltraits of different bread wheat genotypes in dryland conditions. 20 genotypes (including 18 lines and 2 cultivars) were investigated in one experiment using randomized complete block design with four replicates ...  Read More

Effect of drought stress at vegetative growth stage on allometric relationships, root and shoot important characteristics of late and early maturing potato cultivars (Solanumtu berosum L.) under controlled conditions

Kourush Shojaei Noferest; Hamid Reza Khazaei; Mohammad Kafi; Mohsen Khodadadi

Volume 7, Issue 1 , September 2014, Pages 25-40


  Drought is one of the most important factors that affect crop production in Iran. Potato is often assumed to be a drought sensitive crop and its exposure to even short periods of water stress from germination through tuber growth can cause significant reduction in tuber yield. In order to study the effect ...  Read More

Hydrotime model: Introduction and application of this model in seed researches

S. Majid Alimagham; Farshid Ghaderi-Far

Volume 7, Issue 1 , September 2014, Pages 41-52


  Germination is the first and most important developmental stage of plants which is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Hydrotime model describes the relationship between water potential (ψ) and seed germination rate and percentage. This model quantifies the rate of germination progression ...  Read More

Evaluation of Selenium’s influence on diminishing the negative effects of salinity and low seed storage in rice germination

Ehsan Rabieyan; Majid Jiriaie; Amir Ayneband

Volume 7, Issue 1 , September 2014, Pages 53-63


  Selenium is of micronutrients which beside its effective role on increment of endurance of plants such as rice against undesirable environmental effects, plays an important role in human health, due to its anti-oxidant and anti-cancer characteristics. Thus, to evaluate the influence of selenium on diminishing ...  Read More

Effect of salicylic acid on drought stress through improving some morphological, physiological and yield components traits of mustard plant (Brassica compestris var. parkland)

Seyyed Fazel Fazeli Kakhki; Mohammad Ghiasabadi; Morteza Goldani

Volume 7, Issue 1 , September 2014, Pages 65-77


  Salicylic acid reduces the effects of oxidative stress as a secondary stress in dry condition. In order to study mitigation effects of salicylic acid (SA) on drought stress conditions in mustard plant, a factorial experiment was conducted based on completely randomized design with three replications ...  Read More

Effect of salinity and boron on seed germination and emergence of canola (Brassica napus L.)

Yaaghoub Hosseini; Mehdi Homaei; Najafali Karimian; Saeid Saadat

Volume 7, Issue 1 , September 2014, Pages 79-91


  Seed germination and the following growth of young seedlings are important stages of plant development particularly under stress conditions and plant survival depends on these two influential stages. The effects of salinity and boron on seed germination and seedling emergence of canola (Brassica napus ...  Read More

Evaluation of cold tolerance in some alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) ecotypes under field condition

Hasan Monirifar; Mohammad Ebrahim Sadegzadeh

Volume 7, Issue 1 , September 2014, Pages 93-103


  Survival and profitability of alfalfa fields in cold regions is affected by winter injury and parts of alfalfa fields are subject to damage or destruction due to winter conditions every year. In this study eleven alfalfa ecotypes with two international cultivars were evaluated as check in 'Tikmadash ...  Read More

Uptake and transport of micronutrients (iron, copper, zinc and manganese) in different cultivars of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under iron- deficient and non-deficient conditions in soil

Saeed Mahmoodi; Gholamreza Savaghebi; Babak Motesharezadeh

Volume 7, Issue 1 , September 2014, Pages 105-117


  One of the most important problems of calcareous soils in arid and semi-arid areas is the reduction of iron and zinc uptake. There are different ways to resolve this deficiency in the soil which the most effective and economic way is to use efficient varieties. This study was conducted to evaluate the ...  Read More

Short Communication: Effect of drought and salinity stresses on germination characteristics of indigo (Indigofera tinctoria)

Fatemeh Taati; Hajar Talebi; Mohammad Taghi Ebadi; Asghar Khoshnood Yazdi; Alireza Dadkhah

Volume 7, Issue 1 , September 2014, Pages 119-122


  Indigo (Indigofera tinctoria) is one of the legume family which its flowers because of producing a blue color and having wound healing properties is widely used in traditional medicine and cosmetics industries. Due to reduction of water resources and agricultural lands salinization, evaluation of tolerance ...  Read More