Document Type : Original Article
1 M.Sc. Student, Department of Soil Science Engineering, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran, Karaj
2 Professor, Department of Soil Sciences Engineering, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran, Karaj
3 Assistance Professor, Department of Soil Sciences Engineering, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran, Karaj
One of the most important problems of calcareous soils in arid and semi-arid areas is the reduction of iron and zinc uptake. There are different ways to resolve this deficiency in the soil which the most effective and economic way is to use efficient varieties. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of iron deficiency on the concentration, uptake and relative transport of iron, zinc, copper and manganese in 12 commercial bean cultivars (red, white and wax) as a factorial experiment based on CRD with three replications under greenhouse conditions and in a calcareous soil with deficiency of uptakable iron (1.67 mg/kg). Iron was added at planting to the pots in two levels including without fertilizer (Fe0) and optimum usage (5mg/kg). Plants were harvested after six weeks at late vegatative growth period. The most tolerant and sensitive cultivars to iron deficiency were Dorsa (108.9%) and Derakhshan (76.14%), respectively. There was a significant and positive correlation in root and shoot in terms of the amount of iron uptake amongst studied cultivars under iron deficiency stress conditions. Results showed that Dorsa, Mahali Khomin, Daneshkade, Naz, and Goli cultivars had the greatest amount of uptake and translocation ratio of Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn. Increasing micronutrients uptake and translocation from root to shoot in different plant cultivars is one of the important aspects of enrichment programs aiming to improve the quality of products.