Volume 17 (2024-2025)
Volume 16 (2023-2024)
Volume 15 (2022-2023)
Volume 14 (2021-2022)
Volume 13 (2020-2021)
Volume 12 (2019-2020)
Volume 11 (2018-2019)
Volume 10 (2017-2018)
Volume 9 (2016-2017)
Volume 8 (2015-2016)
Volume 7 (2014-2015)
Volume 6 (2013-2014)
Volume 4 (2011-2012)
Volume 3 (2010-2011)
Volume 2 (2009-2010)
Volume 1 (2009)
Evaluation of spring wheat genotypes using drought tolerance indices and principle component analysis

Behnam Firoozi; Omid Sofalian; Majid Shokrpour; Ali Rasoulzadeh; Fatemeh Ahmadpoor

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2013, Pages 99-113


  Drought stress is one of the most important environmental abiotic stresses that reduces crop yield especially in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. One of the useful strategies in regard to plant breeding for drought resistance is maintaining and exploiting the diversity that exists amongst different ...  Read More

Determination of terminal drought tolerant accessions in millet by drought tolerance indices

Azita Nakhaei; Elias Arazmjo; Mohammad Reza Abbasi

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2013, Pages 115-124


  In order to compare the reaction of 13 millet accessions from gen bank collection to late season drought stress and with the aim of completion of gen bank information, specific assessments and determination of the best indices for drought tolerance, two separate experiments based on randomized complete ...  Read More

Effect of drought stress on some physiological characteristics of four spring safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars in Yasouj

Mina Meerajipour; Mohsen Movahhedi Dehnavi; Ashkboos Dehdari; Hooshang Farajee; Mitra Meerajipour

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2013, Pages 125-134


  Introduction of physiological indices in relation to safflower drought tolerance has important role in selection of tolerant varieties. To study the effect of drought stress on some physiological characteristics of spring safflower, a field experiment was carried out in 2010 as a split-plot based on ...  Read More

Effect of drought stress and nitrogen rates on yield and water use efficiency of fennel (Foenicolum vulgare Mill.)

S. Gholam Reza Moosavi; Mohammad Javad Seghatoleslami; S. Mehdi Moosavi

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2013, Pages 135-145


  In order to study the effect of drought stress at different reproductive growth stages and N rates on yield and water use efficiency (WUE) of fennel, a research was conducted as a split-plot experiment based on a RCBD with three replications, at Research Field of Islamic Azad University of  Birjand ...  Read More

Application effects of biofertilizers and zinc sulfate on growth and yield of fenugreek medicinal plant under drought stress conditions in Shahrekord region

Seyfollah Fallah; Monir Nazari

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2013, Pages 147-159


  Drought stress is one of the most important factors that limit plant production in the semi-arid areas. Thus, in order to investigate the effects of Azotobacter bacteria, mycorrhiza fungus and zinc sulfate on the growth and yield of fenugreek, a field experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research ...  Read More

Assessment of laser beam effect on traits associated with salinity tolerance at seedling stage of rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Elnaz Hosseinzadeh Sabeti; S. Ahmad Sadat Noori; Nayyer Azam Khosh-Kholgh Sima; Hoseinali Ramshini; MohammadAli Ansari

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2013, Pages 161-179


  Salinity stress can severely affect rice plants at seedling stage. In order to study the laser irradiations effect on characteristics associated with the salt tolerance of rice at seedling stage, a nutrient solution experiment was conducted as a factorial arrangement based on completely randomized design ...  Read More

Effect of calcium and potassium on amelioration of negative effects of salinity on some physiological characteristics Kochia (Kochia scoparia)

Mohammad Kafi; Jafar Nabati; Mohammad Zare Mehrjerdi; Morteza Goldani; Saeed Khaninejad; Ehsan Keshmiri; Ali Norooziyan

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2013, Pages 181-192


   Increased need for salinity tolerant plants continues due to increased use of saline water for irrigation in arid and semiarid regions. Kochia, a halophyte, which may be provided a good source of forage for livestock by using saline water. In order to investigate the salinity effect on some physiological ...  Read More

Short Communication: Effect of drought stress on seed yield and some morpho-physiological traits of sunflower

Ebrahim Abbasi Seyahjani; Farhad Farhvash; Hamdollah Kazemi Arbat; Mohammad Bagher Khorshidi Benam

Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2013, Pages 193-196


  To investigate the effect of water stress on morphological and agronomical characteristics of sunflower (oilseed hybrid Allestar), an experiment based on randomized complete block design was conducted with three replications at the Experimental Station of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch. Water ...  Read More