Document Type : Original Article


Assisant Professor, National Salinity Research Center (NSRC), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Yazd, Iran


Salinity stress is known as a worldwide abiotic stress responsible for reduced crop production. It is estimated that annual losses of yield due to salt induced land degradation is US$ 27.3 billion globally (Qadir et al., 2014). Social and economic dimentions of salinity stress can be employment losses as well as environmental degradation (Butcher et al., 2016). In addition, it is well documented that application of chemical fertilizers usually improve plant performance under saline conditons but results in plant fertilizer requirement under salt affected soils are contrary. While there is little evidence of yield benefits due to application of fertilizers in salinized fields at rates beyond optimal in non-saline conditions, there is enough evidence indicating that soil salinity does not affect or decrease plant fertilizer needs (Hanson, 2006).
A hypothesis that potassium (K) application can reduce the negative effects of salinity on plant performance has been proposed, but, contradictory results have been reported. These include a reduction in salinity damage to crops when high concentrations of K are present in growth media as well as no response to K fertilizer under salinity or even a negative effect of K addition on salt tolerance (Bar-Tal et al., 1991). These contradictory results can be attributed to the types of experiments (field, greenhouse or laboratory), composition of the saline substrate, studies conducted over the short term vs. the long term and many other differences in experimental conditions (Grattan and Grieve, 1999).
Thus K fertilizer management may need to be modified under arid and semiarid conditions of Yazd peovince with wide range of irrigation water qualities. Accordingly, the objectives of this field study were to (a) elucidate the interactions between K nutrition and the salinity of irrigation water and their effects on wheat growth and (b) test the possibility of wheat improvement at saline conditions by applying higher levels of K fertilizer.

Materials and methods
A field experiment was conducted on wheat at Sadooq Salinity Research Station, Ashkezar, Yazd, Iran. The soil at the experimental site was calcareous with 30.92% total nutrient value, sandy loam texture, pH 8.06 and 0.22 % organic carbon. Mean annual temperatue is 18°C and precipitation is 70 mm. The treatments, four potassium sulphate application rates (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1) and three irrigation water qualities (1.88, 7.22 , 14.16 dS/m), arranged in a randomized block, split plot design with three repelications. Consisting 12 rows of wheat, each field plot was 3*5 m. All plots received common agricultural practices including tillage and fertilizer application. Rgarding typical recommendations and guidelines for this region and soil type (Balali et al., 2000: Moshiri et al., 2015), all fertilizers, except urea that applied in 4 splits, were soil-applied before plnating and included 100 kg ha-1 triple superphosphate, 40 kg ha-1 FeSO4, 40 kg ha-1 ZnSO4, 40 kg ha-1 MnSO4 and 20 kg ha-1 CuSO4. To model the relationship between plant properties and irrigation water salinity, the data were subjected to different regression models at the probability level of 0.01 and 0.05 with the help of the Sigmaplot software. The analysis of variance for different parameters was done following ANOVA technique. When F was significant at p ≤ 0.05 level, treatment means were separated using DMRT.

Results and discussion
The results showed that increasing irrigation water salinity to 7.22 dS/m did not significantly affect wheat graine yield. This is due to the non-significant effect of salinity on 1000 seed weight, harvesting index and non bearing spikelets in addition to the significant increase in spike length, bearing spikelets, bearing spikelet numbers, seed number per spikes and total spikelet numbers. At the same time, the results showed 50% decrease in wheat grain and straw yield due to the increase in the salinity of irrigation water from 1.88 to 14.16 dS/m. As application of K fertilizer did not affect wheat performance significantly, it was concluded that K application did not increase wheat tolerance to salinity stress under field conditions of our experiment.

Overall, it was concluded that K fertilizer was not necessary for wheat production (6 Mg ha-1 grain and 9 Mg ha-1 straw) under saline and non-saline calcareous soils of Yazd province with soil available K of 150 mg kg-1.
Key words: Calcareous soils, Irrigation Water and Yazd.


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