Document Type : Short Paper


1 Msc. Graduated, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. Water Enginnering Dept. University of Birjand. Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Water Engineering Dept. University of Birjand. Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Water Engineering Dept. University of Birjand. Iran.


Germination is the first stage of plant growth, which is one of the important stages of the life cycle sensitive plants and is a key process in the emergence of seedlings. In this study, germination power plants under drought stress cotton plant, is studied. Treatments consisted of two drought levels (100 and 50% of full irrigation) and four cotton cultivars (Khordad, Varamin, kc-8801 and kc-8802) with 3 replications. Seeds of the stress of research in the field of Kashmar research on irrigation was performed on the four varieties of cotton, is provided. Studies show that 50 percent of the irrigation component germination rate, germination and seed vigor levels 5 and 10% compared to full irrigation is significant. The amount of these components in different varieties, for example, what the biggest difference in the Khordad 2 - 0.8 and 1.2 - 1 is the lowest of Varamin. In general it can be concluded that drought improved germination of seed cotton is produced.Oblivuse of study results, drought stress effected on germination factors and stress was incresed germination rate, germination presentage  and Seed vigor index. The result showed that seeds germination of drought stress treatment is more than full irrigation treatment. This important result is effected on precociuse cotton crop and increasing of amount of seed consumpsin.


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