Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Shahed University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty member, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran


To study the effect of foliar application of salicylic acid on yield and yield components of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata.L) parastu varieties under water deficit stress, the experimental design was split block (strip plot) experiment was conducted in 2008 in Zanjan University Research Farm. Treatments included a water deficit as the first factor in three levels (control and regular watering, drought stress during flowering and 50% flowering and stress at the onset of pod formation, 50% pod) and Foliar application of salicylic acid, the second factor at five levels, including levels of 150, 300, 450 and 600 µM, respectively. Results showed that water deficit stress reduces yield compared to non-stress conditions in plants. Use of salicylic acid at 150 and 300 µM increased performance and reduced plant dry weight loss was stress. However, the opposite effect was observed at higher levels. Stress and non-stress treatments at 150 Mµ level pod formation increased harvest index. Water deficit in both flowering and plant dry weight was reduced pod formation. Low levels of stress and stress at flowering stage, 150 and 300 µM salicylic acid increased the dry weight of the plant. In general, it seems that salicylic acid at 150 and 300 µM as a protector can reduce the damage caused by water deficit in the cowpea plant.


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