Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student of Plant Breading, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch, Ilam, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Research institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research, Education and Extention (AREEO), Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Agronomy, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University of Ilam Branch, Ilam, Iran

4 Assistant Professor of Field and Horticultural Crop Science Research Department , Ilam Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Ilam , Iran


Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the main crops of the cereal family, which is widely cultivated in the world and brings energy and protein to human society. Drought is the most important non-living stress in crops and due to the decrease in annual rainfall and increase in temperature, production and cultivation of tolerant cultivars with high yield potential will be very important. While available water for agriculture is becoming more limited, the production of drought tolerant cultivars is very important and should be considered. The aim of this study was to analyze the stability of quantitative and qualitative yield and to analyze the stability of bread wheat genotypes in rainfed and irrigated planting conditions in the form of field farms in 3 crop years 2016-2017, 2017-1996 and 2017-17 in Sarableh Agricultural Research Station located in the province. Ilam was implemented.
Materials and methods
This research was conducted as two independent experiments, each in the form of a randomized complete block design with three replications. The first factor includes planting in irrigated and rainfed conditions. The second factor also included 20 wheat genotypes. In irrigated conditions, irrigation was done according to the needs of the plant (normal) and in another experiment, only atmospheric benzoate was sufficient. In this study, yield stability was measured based on drought resistance and its effective traits in different bread wheat genotypes and quantitative and qualitative yield. Data were analyzed using SAS software version 22 for combined analysis and comparison using the least significant difference test (LSD).
Results and discussion
The results showed that the highest grain yield in irrigated planting medium was related to SUP152 genotype (3245 kg ha-1) which was not statistically significant different from WHEAR genotype which was in the second category. The MILAN/SHA7 genotype was also in the third place. These three genotypes also had high values in terms of yield components. The highest grain protein in irrigated planting medium belonged to REEDLING # 1 genotype with 11.73% which was not statistically significant difference with FRNCL and SAAR genotypes which were in the second and third ranks. The lowest grain protein in aqueous medium belonged to WHEAR genotype. The highest grain protein was obtained in the dryland medium of GASPARD genotype (13.73%). ND643 genotype was also in the second category but there was no significant difference with the first category genotype. Gonbad genotype was also in the third category and was one of the top genotypes. The highest grain yield was obtained in the dryland planting medium related to PBW343 genotype at the amount of 2051 kg ha-1. The lowest grain yield in dryland environment was related to PAURAQ genotype at 1457 kg ha-1. PBW343 genotype was one of the best genotypes in terms of yield components in rainfed planting environment. Distribution of hybrids based on YS, YP and MP and GMP indices showed that WHEAR, MILAN, CHIBIA// PRLII, PBW343 and SOKOLL3 genotypes are in group A and are water resistant and have high grain yield in both environments. And were selected as superior genotypes for both rainfed and irrigated environments.


Main Subjects

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