Document Type : Original Article


1 Associated Prof. Faculty of Agriculture, University of MohagheghArdabili, Ardabil, Iran

2 Msc student of Agronomy. Faculty of Agriculture, University of MohagheghArdabili, Ardabil, Iran


The salinity of water resources and soil is one of the most important agricultural problems in arid and semi arid regions of Iran. In order to investigate the effects of saline irrigation water on phyllochron and leaf appearance rate of barley cultivars, a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted at the greenhouse of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili during 2010. Studied factors were barley cultivars (Makoei, Lisive and Sahand) and salinity of irrigation water in pots in four levels (common water as control as well as irrigating with saline water levels of 20, 40 and 60 Mm using NaCl). Traits such as leaf appearance rate, phyllochron, the number of leaves per plant, leaf area index and leaf dry matter per plant were studied. The results showed that phyllochron (the time interval between the appearance of successive leaves on a shoot) were significantly affected by saline irrigation water, cultivar and interaction of saline irrigation water× cultivar. Increasing salinity increased the phyllochron, while decreased the rate of leaf appearance. There were significant differences amongst cultivars in this regard. Leaf appearance rate of Sahand cultivar was more than other cultivars. Means comparison of treatment compounds of saline irrigation water× cultivar showed that the greatest phyllochron was obtained in treatment compounds of irrigation with salinity 60 Mm × Lisive cultivar and the lowest of it was observed in irrigation with common water × Sahand cultivar. saline irrigation water decreased leaf area index. In all salinity levels, the trend of leaf area index variations was similar until 24 days after sowing. From 24-64 days after sowing, LAI showed a progressive trend, so that it reached to a maximum level at 64 days after sowing and then decreased slowly till 74 days after sowing. This might be related to increased aging of leaves, shedding and competition between plants for light and other resources. The highest leaf area index (1.95) was obtained in treatment compound of irrigation with common water×Sahand cultivar and the least of it (0.89) was observed in irrigation with salinity of 60 Mm×Lisive cultivar. Saline irrigation water reduced the number of leaves per plant and leaf dry weight. It seems that in order to increase the leaf appearance rate, LAI and number of leaves per plant, it can be suggested to employ the Sahand cultivar under irrigation with saline water.


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