Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, National Salinity Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Yazd, Iran

2 Research Instructor, National Salinity Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Iran

3 Researcher, National Salinity Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Iran


Soil salinity and associated problems constitute one of the major abiotic constraints in global production and are particularly critical in semi-arid and arid areas. In areas faced with water scarcity, it is common practice to utilize saline groundwater in irrigated agriculture. Chicory is a flowering plant in the dandelion family that is characterized by a tough, hairy stem, light purple flowers and leaves that are commonly used in salads. Chicory coffee tastes similar to coffee but has a flavor that's often described as slightly woody and nutty. Hence, the present research was aimed to evaluate the effects of salinity stress on some of chicory of quantity and physiological characteristics.
Matherial and Method
In order to evaluate the salinity tolerance of Chicory, an experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with 3 replications in a pot in the greenhouse of the National Salinity Research Center during 2019-20. Experimental treatment includes 5 levels 0.44 (control), 3, 6, 9 and 12 dS m-1. In the present study, some growth traits, height of plant, leaf area, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, number of aken per plant, relative water content, ion leakage, potassium, sodium and ratio of K/Na were measured.
Results and discussion
The results showed that the application of salinity levels significantly reduced all the studied traits. Regarding increasing salinity from control to salinity of 12 dS m-1 reduced plant height by 50%, shoot dry weight by 59%, root dry weight by 76% and number of aken per plant by 72%. Also, with increasing salinity level from 0 to 9 dS m-1 caused decreasing relative water content by 9.68% and increasing ion leakage by 37.47%. Increasing salinity levels from control to 12 dS m-1 was affected as significantly on decreasing ratio of potassium to sodium (96%). Also, 50% and 100% reduction in root yield was obtained at salinity of 5.91 and 14.66 dS m-1, respectively. In general, according to the results, it seems that Chicory does not have high tolerance to salinity. The results showed that the application of salinity levels significantly reduced all the studied traits. Regarding increasing salinity from control to salinity of 12 dS m-1 reduced plant height by 50%, shoot dry weight by 59%, root dry weight by 76% and number of aken per plant by 72%. Also, with increasing salinity level from 0 to 9 dS m-1 caused decreasing relative water content by 9.68% and increasing ion leakage by 37.47%. Increasing salinity levels from control to 12 dS m-1 was affected as significantly on decreasing ratio of potassium to sodium (96%). Also, 50% and 100% reduction in root yield was obtained at salinity of 5.91 and 14.66 dS m-1, respectively. In general, according to the results, it seems that Chicory does not have high tolerance to salinity. Also, 50% and 100% reduction in root yield was obtained at salinity of 5.91 and 14.66 dS m-1, respectively. In general, according to the results, it seems that Chicory does not have high tolerance to salinity. The results showed that the application of salinity levels significantly reduced all the studied traits. Regarding increasing salinity from control to salinity of 12 dS m-1 reduced plant height by 50%, shoot dry weight by 59%, root dry weight by 76% and number of aken per plant by 72%. Also, with increasing salinity level from 0 to 9 dS m-1 caused decreasing relative water content by 9.68% and increasing ion leakage by 37.47%. Increasing salinity levels from control to 12 dS m-1 was affected as significantly on decreasing ratio of potassium to sodium (96%). Also, 50% and 100% reduction in root yield was obtained at salinity of 5.91 and 14.66 dS m-1, respectively. In general, according to the results, it seems that Chicory does not have high tolerance to salinity.


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