
1 M.S students of agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Birjand branch, Iran

2 . Faculty member, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand

3 Faculty member, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand


Iran is amongst dry and semi-dry regions of the world and enjoys several diverse climates. The recognition of traits related to growth, yield and adaptation of sunflower, especially in relation to drought stress can remarkably affect the development of planting area and its yield increase. To study the effect of water deficiency stress and foliar application of Zn on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) yield and some of its physiological traits, a split plot experiment based on randomized complete block design was conducted with three replications at the Islamic Azad University of Birjand in 2010. The main plot was irrigation regime with four levels including I1= without stress (according to the plant’s water demand), I2= interrupting irrigation 1 time during the vegetative growth stage, I3= interrupting irrigation 1 time during the reproductive stage, I4= interrupting irrigation during the vegetative and flowering stages and the sub plot was foliar application of zinc sulfate with three levels including Zn1= without foliar application, Zn2= 0.5% concentration of zinc sulfate (2 kg/ha zinc sulfate or 659 gr ha-1 of zinc element), Zn3= 1% concentration of zinc sulfate (4 kg/ha zinc sulfate or 1319 gr ha-1 of zinc element). Results indicated that irrigation ceasing significantly decreased the number of seed head, 1000- seed weight, seed yield and oil yield, while the oil percent was not affected. According to the results, applying drought stress during the vegetative and reproductive growth stages decreased seed yield and oil yield as much as 20% and 31% in comparison with the control, respectively. In addition, Zinc sulfate treatment with 1% concentration increased the 1000-seed weight, seed yield and oil percent in comparison with other treatments. In this study seed yield showed a significant reduction under the influence of drought stress. The treatment of complete irrigation (according to the plant’s water demand) resulted in higher yields than other irrigation treatments. The greatest seed yield was obtained by foliar application of Zn with 1% concentration. Moreover, the least oil yield was observed where irrigation was interrupt during the vegetative and reproductive growth stages. Overall, application of Zn under water deficit conditions could be employed as a good strategy for reducing the detrimental effects of drought stress on growth and yield characteristics of sunflower.
