Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc. graduated student of Agronomy, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Assistant Prof., Department of Agronomy, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran

3 Young Researchers and Elite Club, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran


Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is one of the oldest crops, and its cultivation dates back to 7,000 years BC. This plant is the least expected crop, whose range of adaptation and distribution is more than other crops. Barley is the fourth most important cereal in the world after wheat, rice and corn. The origin of the barley region is fertile. It has diploid and tetraploid species, but its cultivars are diploid. Water is a key factor in the production of crops. The yield of crops in many areas is limited by living or non-living environmental stresses, and therefore, there is a significant difference between actual yield and yield potential of crops. Low moisture content in each of the different stages of growth reduces water absorption, nutrients, decreases the transfer of elements within the plant, and ultimately reduces the yield of the grain or the final product. Optimal use of water is of great importance, especially in areas where dry climatic conditions and Semi-dry is dominant.
Materials and methods
In order to evaluate the effect of effect of zinc sulfate on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of barley in late season drought stress conditions, a field experiment was carried out to in Baghmalek province in 2016-17 in split plot based on randomized complete block design with four replications. Experimental treatments included three levels of Irrigation cut at flowering stage, Irrigation cut at grading stage and Full irrigation In main plots and Zinc sulfate fertilizerwas 34% in three levels (0 (control), 30 and 60 kg.ha-1) in sub plots.
Results and discussion
The results showed that drought stress in the end of the season had a significant effect on grain yield, number of seeds per spike, 1000 seed weight, protein content and protein yield. Also application of manganese Zinc sulfate fertilizer significantly affected yield components, grain yield and protein yield. The highest number of spikes per square meter was allocated to 60 kg / ha treatment with 381.61 and the lowest number of spikes per m2 for non-application of Zinc sulfate fertilizer treatment to 334.85. It seems that Zinc sulfate fertilizer in plants increases photosynthesis and photosynthesis, as well as increasing the amount of auxin hormone increases plant growth and spike production by the paws. Due to the lack of malnutrition, the number of spikes per square meter increases. The highest grain yield (389.6 g/m²) was obtained from 60 kg.ha-1 Zinc sulfate fertilizer and the lowest (2336.3 g/m2). The highest grain yield in irrigation treatments (with a mean of 381.3 g / m2) and the lowest grain yield (with a mean 252.52 g / m2) were allocated to irrigation cut off at flowering stage. Studies have shown that moisture restriction at flowering time reduces the transfer of photosynthetic materials and, consequently, wrinkles the grain. In contrast, moisture availability in the flowering stage increases the grain filling period, resulting in more photosynthetic materials for seeds, which increases seed yield. Interaction between end season drought stress and Sulphate fertilizer had a significant effect on grain yield. The highest grain yield was allocated to full irrigation treatment and 60 kg.ha-1 Zn sulfate fertilizer treatments.
In general, it can be stated that the soils of many southern regions of the country are limestone with high pH and low organic matter and zinc deficiency is very probable. In this research, it was determined that fertilizer use plays an important role in the growth of oat plants, and also considering that the highest grain and protein yields as a quantitative and qualitative function of using Zn sulfate fertilizer, which is one of the low-level elements. To be achieved. It can be concluded that by using such fertilizers, the best conditions can be obtained to achieve the maximum quantitative and qualitative yield of the barley plant. Therefore, in terms of implementation of this research, 60 kg / ha Zn sulfate fertilizer application and irrigation had the most significant effect on the studied traits.


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