Document Type : Original Article


1 Formare MSc stusent in biotechnology, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran.

2 Assoc. Prof. Department of Plant Production, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran.

3 Assoc. Prof. Department of Biology, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran.

4 Assist. Prof. Prof. Department of Plant Production, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran.


Rice has a great role in the world nutation cycle, so that its secure 50% of word food. The aliveness of approximately three quarter of the poor people of the word depending on rice product. Phosphorus is an effective element in plant growth after nitrogen. Present of phosphorus is necessary for other element absorption. Vital activity continuous depending on phosphorus in plant and deficiency of it created a critical position.delay in rice panicle exertion happens in the lack of phosphorus and delay maturity occurs.

Material and methods
In order to detect the QTL associated with phosphorus-deficiency tolerance at seedling stage, a population of 96 lines derived from Ahlami Tarom × Neda cross were studied in genetic and botany laboratory in the Gonbad Kavous University at 2014 under normal and phosphorus deficiency conditions. Chlorophyll content, number of roots, length of root and shoot, length of leaf, volume of root, dry weight of root and shoot, phosphorus content, root diameter and surface density were recorded. For genetic linkage map construction, 30 SSR and 15 ISSR makers were used. DNA extracted using the CTAB method. Gentyping studies of population was conducted for genotyping of individuals for linkage map construction of 96 lines caused Ahlami Tarom× Neda and its parents using SSR and ISSR markers. The Polemrase Chain Reaction product was separated using poly acrylamid denaturing gel 6%. Map manager QTX 17 used for providing of linkage map. QTL analysis and determination of phynotype and genotype done using QTL chartoghrapher 2.5. 30 SSR marker and 60 alleles (caused 15 ISSR markers) were used for providing of linkage map.

Linkage map based on 30 SSR markers and 60 alleles (caused 15 ISSR markers) and 96 individual F8 population covered 1411.3 cM of rice genome with an average of 15.34 cM distance between two markers in 15 linkage groups. All of merkers have a menedian segregation ration 1:1. 43 QTLs were identified for the traits under normal condition. 2 QTLs for length of leaf, 2 QTLs for weight of shoot, 1 QTL for root leangh, 14 QTLs for number of root, 2 QTL for surface density, 10 QTL for weight of root, 1 QTL for root diameret and 10 QTLs for phosphourous content detected in normal conditions. qRN-6b, qRW-5b, qRW-5c, qLA-7 and qNP-6b to addition of root number, root weight, leaf area and phosphorus content in normal condition, respictivley. 13 QTLs were identified for the traits under phosphorous defeicincy condition. 2 QTLs for Chlorophyll content, 1 QTLs for fresh weight of root, 2 QTL for dry weight of root, 1 QTLs for dru weight of shoot, 2 QTL for rooy volume, 1 QTL for surface of root, 2 QTL for widht of leaf and 2 QTLs for phosphourous content detected in phosphorous defeicincy conditions. qCHL-2a and qCHL-2b to addition of chlorophyl content in phosphorous defeicint condition identified as major QTLs.

With attention to QTLs detected to this study as major effect, markers linked to the QTL as markers linked to traits after validation are likely to be used for marker-assisted selection in breeding programs


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