Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated student, Department of Soil Science Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran.

2 Associate professor, Department of Soil Science Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran.

3 Graduated student, Department of Soil Science Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran, and Karaj, Iran.


Food security mentions to availability of sufficient and nutritious food by all population at all situations to ensure a healthy life, on the other hand, wheat is one of the crops that has an important role especially in developing countries for feeding people. Therefore pay attention to the most minor issues with related to this crop strategy has a great importance role in ensuring food security and maintaining the independence of the country. Cadmium (Cd) is available in soils naturally and because of addition from different anthropogenic sources.  Knowledge of destructive effects of cadmium on content of potassium in different wheat cultivars, as a strategic crop to provide food security of country has an important role. The aim of this research was study about nutritional status of Potassium (K) in different cultivars of wheat under cadmium stress.
Material and Methods
 This research was conducted in a factorial experiment as a completely randomized design. The treatments consisted of three levels of Cd (0 (as control, Cd0), 40 (Cd40) and 80 (Cd80) mg Cd kg-1 soil) and fourteen different wheat cultivars (Bahar, Alvand, Niknezhad, Pishtaz, Azadi, Shahriyar, Pishgam, Marvdasht, Parsi, Sivand, Shiraz, Omid, Roshan, Navid), respectively. All pots before planting the seeds were incubated for three months in order to create balance between Cd and soil particles. At the end of period of incubation, we planted seeds of all cultivars. After 35 days of planting seeds, nearly at the stage of stem elongation in control treatment, shoot of all cultivars were harvested.
Results and Discussion
 Highest and lowest absorbed K in Cd40 was recorded by Alvand (2.08%) and Bahar (0.81%) respectively. in Cd80 highest and lowest absorbed K was recorded by Shahriyar (1.1%) and Pishtaz (0.54%) respectively. Highest and lowest absorbed Cd in Cd40 was recorded by Niknezhad (7mg kg-1) and Parsi (2 mg kg-1). On the other hand, highest and lowest absorbed Cd in Cd80 was observed in Pishgam (20mg kg-1) and Navid (6 mg kg-1).
 Generally, Niknezhad and Pishgam had highest reliability of cadmium uptake, Also the lowest reliability of cadmium uptake was observed about Parsi and Navid. On the other hand, Alvand and Shahriyar showed highest and Bahar and Pishtaz showed lowest content of K in shoot under Cd stress, respectively.


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