Document Type : Original Article


Department of Plant Sciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Potato is the one of the important crop in the world. This plant in terms of consumption rate in the world levels is after rice and wheat. Thus, this crop is considered the maintain food security. However, potato influences the abiotic stress particularly drought and cold. The C-repeat binding factors (CBFs), also termed dehydration-responsive element-binding protein 1 (DREB1) family members, play crucial roles in the acquisition of stress tolerance, but in potato, the underlying mechanisms of stress tolerance remain elusive. The cold and drought stresses are the most abiotic stresses across the world causing to decrease of the crop yield. To gain insight into these mechanisms, CBF1 gene was selected from four potato and was assessed their expression under drought and cold stress conditions.
Materials and methods
In order to investigate the effect of cold and drought on growth and development on potato, a experiment was conducted at the the Seed and Plant Improvement Institute located at Karaj, Iran. The experimental design used was randomized complete block design with three replications under drought and cold stress (normal and stressed). Gene expression of CBF1 gene was performed in different tissues (root, stem, leaves, and tuber) under control condiotin. Further, analysis of expression in root and leaves under stress condition. After 3 weeks after cultivated in Karaj, the water stress was induced by irrigation suppression in 2 weeks. sampling was performed 5 weeks after sprouting under drought. Under cold stress, analysis of expression in root and leaves was performed at the 24h and 48h after 3 weeks of sprouting. CBF1 gene was selected as one of important gene in the investigation of molecular mechanism under cold and heat stress in potato.
Results and discussion
Average induced expression in response to cold suggested a correlation between potato CBF1 expression and the acquisition of cold tolerance in root. Whereas, the expression of this gene was decreased in leaves. Under drought stress, the expression of CBF1 gene was up-regulated in root. However, the expression rate of CBF1 decreased under stress. Responses that varied between sections may reflect tissue-specific stress tolerance mechanisms, suggesting an effect of ecological context on the development of CBF1 mediated stress tolerance in potato. In this study, the investigation of transcription factor binding sites, co-expressed genes, and gene ontology of CBF1 in potato was performed. This gene is involved in multiple biological processes and pathways. The analysis of promoter showed that CBF1 gene had the highest and the lowest number of the TFBS in MYB and WRKY, respectively. The present study revealed that the CBF1 gene expression in root was the higher than leaves.
Overall, it can be concluded that CBF1 gene can contribute to cold and drought tolerance in potato and can be used for genetic and breeding manipulation to improve tolerance to stress.


Main Subjects

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