Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Agrothecnology-Plant Physiology, University of Tehran (College of Aburaihan), Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy Sciences and Plant Breeding, College of Aburaihan, University of Tehran, Pakdasht, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Agronomy Sciences and Plant Breeding, College of Aburaihan, University of Tehran, Pakdasht, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy Sciences and Plant Breeding, College of Aburaihan, University of Tehran, Pakdasht, Iran


Soil erosion causes storms and the release of fine dust. This has a significant impact on climate change and creates global problems. The first effect of dust on agriculture is in the field of reduced production, reduced diversity and reduced vegetation density because fine dust is a factor that causes negative effects on plant physiology. geomorphological features, soil type and vegetation are the most influential factors in desertification and dust production. Strengthening natural ecological cycles and rehabilitating forests and plantation pastures is the best basic solution to control wind erosion. The main widely used plant species in arid and saline areas are halophyte rangeland species. Among these, two plant species of Salsola imbricata and Salicornia iranica grow well in the desert pastures of Iran. These two species of halophyte due to their unique characteristics, such as drought resistance, salinity, deep root system, high efficiency in water use, etc. as an important forage plant in soils It is considered dry and is important for planting in saline lands where other crops are not producing well or in areas where irrigation with saline water is possible. But on the other hand, determining the most appropriate planting date means determining the time when vegetative and reproductive growth of the plant is most in harmony with climatic factors and the plant is less exposed to adverse environmental conditions. , Plant development and production during the growing season and is one of the most important management factors in the production of all crops in order to reduce the negative effects of environmental stresses. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of planting date on biostability of these two plant species against stress. It was fine.
Materials and methods
This experiment was performed as a split in a randomized complete block design with three replications in the crop year 2020 in Pakdasht city. Factors tested include: three planting dates:, 20 March, 3 April and 19 April as the main plots, dust factor at three levels: (control (without dust), dust spread on the plant for 5 days and 10 days) to The sub-plots and species factor (Salicornia iranica, Salsola imbricata) were considered as sub-plots. In order to spray dust on the space plants, a cubic of transparent plastic was made to the dimensions of each plot and was placed on each plot during the application of stress. The time of application of fine dust stress was on the second of July, 1399. The traits of the studied plant species were measured at the flowering stage. For calculation, chlorophyll content (Arnon.1949), membrane lipid peroxidation assay (Yidirim and et al. 2009), measurement of relative leaf water content (Ritchie et al. 1990), protein content assay (Bremner. 1996), carbohydrate assay Soluble (Hasid and Neufield. 1964) 2 plants were selected from each plot and traits were measured. To measure forage yield, 5 plants from each subplot were calculated and weighed.
Results and discussion
Among the agronomic factors, planting time is one of the most important factors determining plant yield. Planting date for each species in a specific area should be considered according to the ambient temperature and soil at the time of planting and also based on the non-interference of flowering plant to high temperature. Both species are more suitable, so to achieve the desired forage yield, it is necessary to plant both plants when the average temperature is 25-25 ° C and to avoid planting delays. On the other hand, the storage capacity of more dust in the plant is one of the determining factors in selecting species compatible with fine dust and reducing air pollution. Salsola also showed more dust holding capacity than Salicornia due to waxy leaf cover, slightly wrinkled margins. Therefore, according to the obtained results, Salsola plant can be a better choice for cultivation in the center of fine dust and control of fine dust.


Main Subjects

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