Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, respectively, Soil Science Dept. Faculty of Agriculture, Ramin University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mollasani, Ahwaz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, respectively, Soil Science Dept. Faculty of Agriculture, Ramin University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mollasani, Ahwaz, Iran

3 Post graduate student, Soil Science Dept. Ramin University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Iran


In a greenhouse experiment, the effect of four salinity levels (1, 2, 4 and 8 dS m-1) and three levels of urea fertilizer (200, 300 and 400 kg urea ha-1) on growth parameters, cane juice ionic composition and uptake of some nutrients by sugarcane variety CP69-1062 was studied. The study was done as a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications. The results showed that increasing salinity from 1 to 8 dS m-1 remarkably reduced the length and dry weight of root and consequently shoot dry weight including weight and number of cane and plant biomass per pot. The highest root dry weight and total root length were observed in salinity of 1 dS m-1 and application of 400 kg urea ha-1, and the lowest amount of these traits were observed in the treatment of 200 kg urea ha-1 and salinity of 8 dS m-1. Na concentration in plants subjected to salinity stress was reduced as urea fertilizer was increased, while K uptake was increased and this led to an increase in K:Na ratio in both leaf and cane juice, more proline accumulation and finally increased cane weight. Electrical conductivity, ash and Na concentration in cane juice were significantly increased by increasing salinity. The results of this study confirm the hypothesis that detrimental effect of salinity on plant can be reduced by enough N fertilizer application.
