Document Type : Original Article


Member of Scientific Staff, National Salinity Research Center, Iran


In Iran, vast amounts of saline lands, shortage of fresh water resources and potential of halophytes for forage production has generated a great interest in utilizing these species as a substitute for convenient forage resources. In order to introduce suitable halophyte species for forage production, an experiment was conducted on 14 halophyte species in the greenhouse and in the saline lands located at Chah-Afzal Salinity Research Station of NSRC, Yazd, Iran. In the greenhouse experiment, seedling emergence percentage and emergence rate were studied. In the saline land, 2-month old seedlings of halophyte species with high emergence percentage were planted at 1.5 ×1.5 m spacing in the form of a complete randomized block design with three replications and were irrigated with saline water (8 dS/m). All plants were harvested six months later and some characteristics including amount of seedling establishment, yield and yield components were measured. Results showed that Kochia indica produced the greatest forage fresh and dry yield (15.5 and 6.9 ton/ha, respectively). This species also had the greatest seedling emergence percentage (100%) and emergence rate (5.5 seedling per day). After that, Atriplex halimus had the greatest yield (9.7 ton/ha fresh forage and 3.5 dry forage), seedling emergence (95%) and emergence rate (4.83). Therefore, both K. indica and A. halimus are superior species for forage production under saline conditions and may be suggested for forage production and rehabilitation of rangelands under saline conditions.
