Document Type : Original Article


1 Member of Scientific Staff, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Khorasan Razavi, Iran

2 Research Prof., Soil and Water Research Inistitute, Iran

3 Professor, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch


Salinity is a major environmental stress that drastically affects plant growth and productivity. To achieve optimal crop production in saline regions, the most appropriate, logical choice is growing salt-tolerant varieties best suited for these regions. A two year field study was conducted at two locations on saline soils of Nishabour to investigate the effect of salinity on growth and yield of 20 wheat (Triticum aestivum.L) genotypes. Two salinity levels were imposed on two silt loam soils by irrigating with saline waters. Electerical conductivities of applied waters were4 and 6-8 d Sm-1. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replications.  The studied genotypes were Rowshan, Siossons, Falat, 4213, Qods, 4211*, Bezostaya, 4211, Alvand, Gaspard, Cross Shahi, Gaskogn, Marvdasht, Mahdavi, M.V.17, Hirmand, Alamoot, 4209, Cross Arvand and Chamran.  Results of combined analysis of variances showed that the effect of year and genotype on grain, straw and biological yields were significant (P<0.01). In site 1, grain yield of line 4211* as a highest yield was 4167 kg ha-1.  Rowshan cultivar had the highest straw and biological yields equal to 7833 and 11780 kgha-1 respectively.  The lowest grain yield belongned to Falat cultivar (2650 kgha-1). Siossens cultivar had the lowest straw yield (4850 kgha-1).Generally, increase of salinity decreased grain and straw yields but straw yields reduction was less than grain yields. In site 2, Rowshan cultivar had the highest grain, straw and biological yields equal to 3867, 7893 and 11850 kgha-1 respectively. Lowest yields of grain (1567kgha-1), straw (2983kgha-1) and biological (4550kgha-1) yields belonged to Cross Arvand cultivar. According to obtained grain yield it seems that Rowshan and Siossons cultivars and line 4213 in comparison with other cultivars were preferable genotypes in saline condition. Rowshan, Cross Shahi and Alvand were superior cultivars evaluated for straw production in saline condition respectively .There is genetic variation for salinity tolerance in studied wheat cultivars and lines.
