Document Type : Original Article


1 Associated Professor of Crop Production Department, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad

2 Assistant Professor of Crop Production Department, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad

3 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Research Institute, Varamin, Iran


This study was carried out as a factorial experiment based on CRD using two native (Gil and Domseiah) and two exotic cultivars (IR58443-6B-10-3 and IR54447-3B-10-2) under three salinity stress levels (0= check and 4, 8 and 12 dSm/m NaCl salinity) at Gonbad Kavoos Agriculture Faculty. Seeds were germinated in laboratory and then cultivated in the pot and evaluated for growth reaction to salinity during vegetative stage, according to instructions of IRRI. The recorded traits were comprised of straw weight, whole panicle weight, total plant weight, flag leaf length and width, height and main panicle length. The salinity, cultivar and interaction effects were significant on all measured traits. Among all cultivars, Domsiah was the only cultivar which showed significant difference with check cultivar in view of total panicle weight. The effect of salinity on both traits of straw weight and total panicle weight showed similar trends.
