
1 M.Sc. of Agronomy, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, University of Ilam, Iran

2 Faculty members, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, University of Ilam, Iran

3 Faculty member, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Gorgan, Iran


In order to investigate the phosphorus and iron absorption rate and some of the physiological parameters in bread wheat (Sardari cultivar) and it's ancestral wild species for inbreeding selections and gene transportation, a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design was conducted. In this experiment, physiological characteristics and absorption rate of phosphorus and iron in bread wheat and it's ancestral wild species (Triticum Boiticum  , Aegilops speltoides  , Triticum diccocoides , Aegilops tauschii) were investigated under the influence of P fertilizer (in 2 levels) and spraying Fe chelate (in 2 levels). Results showed that there were significant differences amongst different species in terms of phosphorus and iron concentration of shoot. Triticum Boiticum and Triticum diccocoides had the greatest phosphorus absorption rate, while Triticum Boiticum and Aegilops speltoides had the greatest iron absorption rate. Results showed that the application of P fertilizer increased the content of proline and soluble carbohydrates at flowering stage in all species especially the crop species (Sardari cultivar) as well as Aegilops tauschii, so that these species had the greatest proline and sugar content. Interaction effect of P fertilizer by species type on proline and soluble carbohydrates rate was significant.  
