Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of Agroecology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Agroecology, Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

3 Professor of Seed and Plant Improvement Institute (SPII), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran.


Oilseed rape is the most important breeding species in Brazil, and drought stress can affect its quality and yield. Water deficit is one of the most important factors limiting the growth and production of plants, and there is currently no practical way to increase the precipitations during the dry periods. Therefore, it seems that the best way to deal with drought is to use appropriate agronomic operations and to use cultivars with more tolerance to drought.
Materials and Methods
In order to evaluate the qualitative characteristics of selected varieties of rapeseed, a factorial split plot experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications for two years (1963-1953) in Karaj. In this research, the growing season was carried out in two dates (autumn and winter) and irrigation at three levels (normal irrigation or control, irrigation from later flowering stage and irrigation from the eating stage to the next) as a factorial as main plots and spring varieties Rapeseed consisted of Jerry, Julius, Zafar, Ridge S 003, Hayola 4815 and Zabul 10 as sub plots. Statistical analysis of SAS Ver 9 was used for analysis of variance. The Duncan multi-domain test was used to compare the averages.
Results and Discussion
The results showed that palmitic acid in the second year had an increase of 8% compared to the first year. Among the seedlings, the highest average seedling planting season was allocated to 18.5%. Irrigation interruptions from post-harvest phases and discontinuation of irrigation from flowering stage resulted in 12 and 25% reduction of palmitic acid respectively. The results showed that the highest content of linolenic acid in the control treatments and RGS003 cultivars, irrigation cut off stage and Julius cultivar, and discontinuation of irrigation from flowering stage to Zafar cultivar, 6 and 76.7 percent respectively. The results showed that the highest mean linoleic acid was observed in control treatments, irrigation cut off from the jollowing stage and Julius cultivar, and irrigation cut from flowering stage to Heilah cultivar 4815, respectively, with mean 21.77, 19.66 and 17.68% respectively. . The results showed that in the control and irrigation intervals, the cultivar Julius with the levels of 66.29 and 64.16 percent showed the highest amount of oleic acid in the irrigation and after irrigation period, from the flowering stage to the Hyola 4815 cultivar with an average of 26.62%, the highest average. Effect of year, planting season, irrigation, year×irrigation, year×Planting season×irrigation, planting season×irrigation, cultivar, planting season×cultivar, irrigation×cultivar and planting season×irrigation×cultivar at 1% level and season effect×season Planting was also significant at 5% level on grain yield. Effect of year, planting season, irrigation, year×irrigation, year×Planting season×irrigation, planting season×irrigation, cultivar, planting season×cultivar, irrigation×cultivar and planting season×irrigation×cultivar at 1% level and season effect×season Planting at level of 5% and year effect and irrigation at 1% level were significant on seed yield.
The results of the evaluation of traits during the two years of the experiment showed that Jolvie and Hayola 4815 had the highest grain yield under irrigation conditions, and also the Hyola 4815 cultivar had a good adaptation to drought stress conditions. Therefore, the cultivars could be obtained due to grain yield and higher oil yield under both drought stress conditions and without stress; for planting in regions of the same experimental region (Karaj), the probability of occurrence of moisture stress in the late stages of growth, Recommended. Also, the planting date of autumn increased the quantitative values of rapeseed quality indices.


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